首页> 外文期刊>Optics & Laser Technology >Improved extrinsic polymer optical fiber sensors for gamma-ray monitoring in radioprotection applications

Improved extrinsic polymer optical fiber sensors for gamma-ray monitoring in radioprotection applications


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Gamma radiation detection in the range of 662 key, the reference for environmental protection, is done through extrinsic optical fiber sensors. The fluorescence rendered by an inorganic scintillator when irradiated with such gamma rays is gathered by a modified polymer optical fiber tip. This modification increases the recorded signal when compared with plain unaltered fiber. Two fiber tip modification are then compared in terms of light gathering capability. A chemically etched fiber, in which the cladding and part of the core are removed, and a tapered fiber in which the core-cladding structure is kept. Both structures are comparable in length and final diameter, and show linear response in the tested range up to 2 Gy/h air Kerma rate. The etched fiber shows a higher slope than the tapered one, although both improve the signal gathered by a plain fiber tip. The easy fabrication and handling of the reported transducers, together with the improved signal gathering, allow to reduce the overall system budget with the use of low-cost optoelectronics in the detection stage. This offers a significant improvement for surveillance systems in radioprotection applications, in which presence of gamma radiation coming out accidental leakage or spurious sources activity is the main target. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



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