首页> 外文期刊>Animal Production Science >Grain feeding increases core body temperature of beef cattle. (Special Issue: Muscle metabolism of cattle and sheep in relation to meat quality.)

Grain feeding increases core body temperature of beef cattle. (Special Issue: Muscle metabolism of cattle and sheep in relation to meat quality.)

机译:喂谷物会增加肉牛的核心体温。 (特刊:牛和羊的肌肉代谢与肉质的关系。)

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The core body temperature and post slaughter loin temperatures of steers fed on grass pasture was compared with those of steers fed a grain-based feedlot diet. The feeding treatments were grass for 300 days (Grass), grass for 150 days then feedlot for 150 days (Short Feedlot) and feedlot for 300 days (Long Feedlot). Temperature telemeters were inserted under the peritoneum of the steers and temperature measured at intervals of 1 h for the 300 days, and then at intervals of 1 min for the 48-h period before slaughter. The pH and temperature decline post mortem was also measured. The carcasses of the feedlot steers were heavier and fatter than those from the Grass-fed steers. The core body temperature of the steers from the feedlot treatments was 0.3-0.4 degrees C higher than for the Grass treatment at the time of slaughter. The loin temperature was higher in the feedlot treatments than the Grass treatment at all times measured post mortem as was the temperature at pH 6. Feedlotting can increase the likelihood of 'high rigor temperature' conditions of high temperature and low pH occurring in beef carcasses, due to an increase in core body temperature before slaughter, a decrease in the rate of cooling and an increase in the rate of pH decline post mortem. These effects are possibly due to a combination of a direct effect of feed type on body temperature as well as indirect effects on bodyweight and condition score.
机译:将草牧场饲喂的ers牛的核心体温和屠宰后里脊温度与谷物饲喂日粮的ste牛的体温和屠宰后腰温度进行了比较。饲喂处理为草饲300天(草),草饲150天,然后饲育场150天(短饲育)和饲草地300天(长饲育)。将温度遥测仪插入the牛腹膜下,在300天内以1小时的间隔测量温度,然后在屠宰前48小时以1分钟的间隔测量温度。死后也测量pH和温度下降。育肥场ste牛的car体比草饲ste牛的those体重和肥。饲养场处理的the牛皮的核心体温比屠宰时的草处理高0.3-0.4℃。在宰后测得的所有时间里,饲养场处理的里脊肉温度均高于草处理,pH 6的温度也是如此。饲养场可增加牛肉car体出现高温和低pH值的“高严酷温度”条件的可能性,由于宰杀前核心体温的升高,冷却速率的降低和验尸后pH下降速率的提高。这些影响可能是由于饲料类型对体温的直接影响以及对体重和状况评分的间接影响的综合作用。



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