首页> 外文期刊>Behaviour >Defining the active space of cane toad (Rhinella marina) advertisement calls: males respond from further than females

Defining the active space of cane toad (Rhinella marina) advertisement calls: males respond from further than females

机译:定义甘蔗蟾蜍(Rhinella marina)广告招贴的活动空间:男性的反应比女性要大

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Many animals produce advertisement vocalisations to attract mates. A vocalisation's active space is the area within which a receiver responds to it, while its maximum extent occurs when a receiver stops responding. We mapped behavioural responses of male and female cane toads (Rhinella marina) to advertisement calls, by conducting experimental playbacks to: (i) examine attenuation of a cane toad call, (ii) define the active space of these vocalisations, by measuring phonotaxis at different distances from the call, and (iii) quantify the active space of calls for both sexes, separately. The call was fully attenuated 120-130 m from its source. Both sexes displayed positive phonotaxis 20-70 m from calls. Males also displayed positive phonotaxis 70-120 m from calls, whereas females' movement preferences were random >70 m from a call. Differences between male and female responses were likely driven by differences in their use of information provided by calls.
机译:许多动物发出广告声来吸引伴侣。发声的活动空间是接收者对其进行响应的区域,而其最大范围发生在接收者停止响应时。通过进行实验性回放,我们将雄性和雌性甘蔗蟾蜍(Rhinella marina)对行为的行为反应进行了映射,以:(i)检查甘蔗蟾蜍的衰减,(ii)通过测量声光强度来定义这些发声的活动空间。与通话之间的距离不同;以及(iii)分别量化男女双方通话的有效空间。该呼叫从其源头完全衰减了120-130 m。通话后20-70 m时,两性都表现出积极的视错觉。雄性在通话中也表现出积极的视错觉70-120 m,而雌性的移动偏好在通话中随机大于70 m。男性和女性回答之间的差异很可能是由电话提供的信息使用方式不同造成的。



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