首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Supplementing organic-complexed or inorganic Co, Cu, Mn, and Zn to beef cows during gestation: physiological and productive response of cows and their offspring until weaning

Supplementing organic-complexed or inorganic Co, Cu, Mn, and Zn to beef cows during gestation: physiological and productive response of cows and their offspring until weaning


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One hundred and ninety non-lactating, pregnant beef cows (three-fourth Bos taurus and one-fourth Bos indicus; 138 multiparous and 52 primiparous) were assigned to this experiment at 117 +/- 2.2 d of gestation (day 0). Cows were ranked by parity, pregnancy type (artificial insemination = 102 and natural service = 88), body weight (BW), and body condition score (BCS) and assigned to receive a supplement containing: 1) sulfate sources of Cu, Co, Mn, and Zn (INR; n = 95) or 2) an organic-complexed source of Cu, Mn, Co, and Zn (AAC; Availa 4; Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN; n = 95). The INR and AAC provided the same daily amount of Cu, Co, Mn, and Zn, based on 7 g of the AAC source. From day 0 to calving, cows were maintained in a single pasture and were segregated three times weekly into 1 of the 24 individual feeding pens to receive treatments. Cow BW and BCS were recorded on days -30, 97, upon calving, and at weaning (day 367). Milk production was estimated at 42 +/- 0.5 d postpartum via weigh-suckle-weigh (WSW) method. Liver biopsies were performed in 30 cows per treatment on days -30, 97, upon calving, and the day after WSW. Calf BW was recorded at birth and weaning. Liver and longissimus muscle (LM) biopsies were performed in 30 calves per treatment upon calving and 24 h later, the day after WSW, and at weaning. No treatment effects were detected (P >= 0.49) for cow BCS during gestation, despite AAC cows having greater (P = 0.04) BW on day 97. Liver Co concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) for AAC compared with INR cows, and liver concentrations of Cu were greater (P = 0.02) for INR compared with AAC cows on day 97. Upon calving, INR cows had greater (P <= 0.01) liver Cu and Zn concentrations compared with AAC cows. No other treatment differences were noted (P >= 0.17) for cow and calf liver trace mineral concentrations. Cows receiving AAC had greater (P = 0.04) hepatic mRNA expression of metallothionein 1A at calving, and their calves had greater (P = 0.04) hepatic mRNA expression of superoxide dismutase at weaning. Milk production did not differ between AAC and INR cows (P = 0.70). No treatment effects were detected (P >= 0.29) for mRNA expression of LM genes associated with adipogenic or muscle development activities in calves at birth and weaning. Calf birth and weaning BW also did not differ (P >= 0.19) between treatments. In summary, supplementing AAC or INR to beef cows during the last 5 mo of gestation yielded similar cow-calf productive responses until weaning.
机译:190头未哺乳的怀孕肉牛(三头四分之一的金牛和一头四分之一的印度牛;138头多产和52头初产)在妊娠117+/-2.2天(第0天)被分配到本试验中。奶牛按胎次、妊娠类型(人工授精=102和自然服务=88)、体重(BW)和身体状况评分(BCS)进行排名,并被分配接受一种补充剂,其含有:1)铜、钴、锰和锌的硫酸盐来源(INR;n=95)或2)铜、锰、钴和锌的有机复合来源(AAC;Availa 4;Zinpro Corporation,Eden Prairie,Mn;n=95)。INR和AAC每天提供的铜、钴、锰和锌的量是相同的,以7g的AAC源为基础。从第0天到产犊,奶牛被饲养在一个单一的牧场上,每周三次被隔离到24个单独饲养栏中的1个,接受治疗。在第30天、97天、产犊时和断奶时(第367天)记录奶牛体重和BCS。通过称重-乳汁称重法(WSW)估计产后42+/-0.5天产奶量。在产犊后的第30天、第97天和WSW后的第二天,对每次治疗的30头牛进行肝活检。在出生和断奶时记录小牛体重。在产犊后、24小时后、WSW后第二天和断奶时,对每次治疗的30头小牛进行肝脏和最长肌(LM)活检。尽管AAC母牛在第97天的体重更大(P=0.04),但在妊娠期间未检测到母牛BCS的治疗效果(P>=0.49)。在第97天,AAC组与INR组相比,肝脏Co浓度更高(P<0.01),INR组与AAC组相比,肝脏Cu浓度更高(P=0.02)。产犊后,与AAC奶牛相比,INR奶牛的肝脏铜和锌浓度更高(P<=0.01)。对于牛和小牛肝脏微量矿物质浓度,未发现其他治疗差异(P>=0.17)。接受AAC的奶牛在产犊时肝脏金属硫蛋白1A的mRNA表达更高(P=0.04),而在断奶时,其犊牛肝脏超氧化物歧化酶的mRNA表达更高(P=0.04)。AAC和INR奶牛的产奶量没有差异(P=0.70)。在出生和断奶时,未检测到与犊牛脂肪生成或肌肉发育活动相关的LM基因mRNA表达的治疗效果(P>=0.29)。犊牛出生和断奶体重在不同处理之间也没有差异(P>=0.19)。总之,在妊娠的最后5个月,向肉牛补充AAC或INR在断奶前产生了类似的母牛犊牛生产反应。



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