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Achieving sustainable irrigation requires effective management of salts, soil salinity, and shallow groundwater


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Salinity and waterlogging have impacted agricultural production in arid areas for more than 2000 years. The causes of the problems are well known, as are the methods and investments required to manage salt-affected soils and shallow water tables. Yet the problerris persist in many regions where farmers apply excessive irrigation water, and where farmers and-irrigation departments fail to invest in adequate drainage solutions. Long ago, Professor E.W. Hilgard described the inevitability of salinity problems in arid areas and the measures required to prevent or overcome those problems. Hilgard warned of impending salinization in California's Central Valley, based partly on his understanding of salinity and waterlogging problems in India. More recently, Jan van Schilfgaarde, Jim Oster, and others also have described the inevitable environmental impacts of irrigation. These authors suggest that irrigation likely can be sustained, but the cost of reducing the environmental impacts to an acceptable level might be substantial in some areas. We review the perspectives of these authors, and others, with an outlook toward a future in which the goal of achieving sustainable irrigation coincides with the goal of intensifying agriculture more generally, to provide food and fiber for an expanding global population. We propose five activities that might be implemented in a comprehensive program to achieve successful management of salinity and waterlogging. We also introduce the notion of implementing a deposit or bond payment for the salt contained in irrigation water deliveries. Farmers would be reimbursed in accordance with their salt management and disposal practices. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:盐渍和涝灾已经影响了干旱地区的农业生产超过2000年。问题的原因以及管理受盐污染的土壤和浅水位所需的方法和投资都是众所周知的。然而,在许多地区农民使用过多的灌溉水,而农民和灌溉部门却没有投资足够的排水解决方案的地区仍然存在问题。很久以前,希尔瓦德教授(E.W. Hilgard)描述了干旱地区盐碱化问题的必然性以及预防或克服这些问题所需的措施。希尔格德警告说,加利福尼亚中央谷地即将发生盐碱化,部分原因是他对印度的盐度和涝渍问题有所了解。最近,Jan van Schilfgaarde,Jim Oster和其他人也描述了灌溉不可避免的环境影响。这些作者认为,灌溉可能可以持续,但是在某些地区将环境影响降低到可接受水平的成本可能是巨大的。我们回顾了这些作者和其他作者的观点,展望了未来,实现可持续灌溉的目标与更广泛地集约化农业的目标相吻合,从而为全球人口的增长提供粮食和纤维。我们提出了五项活动,可以在一项综合计划中实施这些活动,以成功管理盐度和涝灾。我们还介绍了对灌溉用水中所含盐实施定金或保证金付款的概念。农民将根据其盐管理和处置惯例获得报销。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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