首页> 外文期刊>Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin >Development of a Diagnostic Screening Strategy for Niemann Pick Diseases Based on Simultaneous Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analyses of N-Palmitoyl-O-phosphocholine-serine and Sphingosylphosphorylcholine

Development of a Diagnostic Screening Strategy for Niemann Pick Diseases Based on Simultaneous Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analyses of N-Palmitoyl-O-phosphocholine-serine and Sphingosylphosphorylcholine

机译:基于同时液相色谱 - 串联质谱分析N-PalmItoyl-O-磷光胺 - 丝氨酸和鞘氨基磷酸胆碱的诊断筛选疾病诊断筛查策略

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Early diagnosis of Niemann Pick diseases (NPDs) is important for better prognosis of such diseases. N-Palmitoyl-O-phosphocholine-serine (PPCS) is a new NPD biomarker possessing high sensitivity, and with its combination with sphingosylphosphocholine (SPC) it may be possible to distinguish NPD-C from NPD-A/B. In this study, a rapid liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method (method 1) and a validated LC-MS/MS analysis (method 2) of PPCS and SPC were developed, and we have proposed a diagnostic screening strategy for NPDs using a combination of serum PPCS and SPC concentrations. Nexera and API 5000 were used as LC-MS/MS systems. C18 columns with lengths of 10 and 50mm were used for method 1 and 2, respectively. H-2(3)-Labeled PPCS and nor-SPC were used as internal standards. Selective reaction monitoring in positive-ion mode was used for MS/MS. Run times of 1.2 and 8min were set for methods 1 and 2, respectively. In both methods I and 2, two analytes showed high linearity in the range of 1-4000ng/mL. Method 2 provided high accuracy and precision in method validation. Serum concentrations of both analytes were significantly higher in NPD-C patients than those of healthy subjects in both methods. Serum PPCS correlated between methods 1 and 2; however, it was different in the case of SPC. The serum PPCS/SPC ratio was different in healthy subjects, NPD-C, and NPD-A/B. These results suggest that using a combination of the two LC-MS/MS analytical methods for PPCS and SPC is useful for diagnostic screening of NPDs.
机译:早期诊断肝疾病(NPDS)对于更好地预后的这种疾病是重要的。 N-PalmItoyl-O-磷酸胺 - 丝氨酸(PPC)是具有高灵敏度的新的NPD生物标志物,并且其与鞘氨基磷胆碱(SPC)的组合可以区分NPD-A / B。在该研究中,开发了一种快速液相色谱 - 串联质谱(LC-MS / MS)方法(方法1)和PPC和SPC的验证的LC-MS / MS分析(方法2),我们提出了诊断使用血清PPC和SPC浓度组合的NPDS筛选策略。 Nexera和API 5000用作LC-MS / MS系统。长度为10和50mm的C18柱分别用于方法1和2。 H-2(3)标记的PPC和NOR-SPC用作内部标准。用于正离子模式的选择性反应监测用于MS / MS。分别为方法1和2设定1.2和8min的运行时间。在两种方法I和2中,两个分析物在1-4000ng / ml的范围内显示出高线性。方法2在方法验证中提供了高精度和精度。 NPD-C患者的两种分析物的血清浓度明显高于两种方法中的健康受试者。血清PPC在方法1和2之间相关;但是,在SPC的情况下它是不同的。在健康受试者,NPD-C和NPD-A / B中,血清PPCS / SPC比例不同。这些结果表明,使用两种LC-MS / MS分析方法的PPC和SPC的组合可用于NPD的诊断筛查。



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