首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >Supporting equitable food systems through food assistance at farmers' markets.

Supporting equitable food systems through food assistance at farmers' markets.


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The failure to consider access to food resources in an integrated way may lead to inequalities in nutritional opportunities among populations. Working with community groups and other public agencies, the San Francisco Department of Public Health has led interagency food system planning in San Francisco, California, since 2002. We report on one of the interventions within that initiative-a partnership between a public health agency, a local nonprofit organization, and the local food stamp program to institutionalize improved access to farmers' markets for federal food assistance beneficiaries. We further report on monitoring data collected at farmers' markets that documents significant and sustained increases of utilization by food stamp recipients since the initial intervention.
机译:未能考虑以综合方式获得食物资源可能导致人口中营养机会的不平等。 与社区团体和其他公共机构合作,旧金山公共卫生部领导了加利福尼亚州旧金山的际食品制度规划,自2002年以来。我们报告了该倡议中的一个干预措施 - 公共卫生机构之间的伙伴关系, 一个当地的非营利组织,以及当地的食品券计划,制度化为联邦粮食援助受益者提供对农民市场的进入。 我们还进一步报告了农民市场收集的数据,以便自最初干预以来,食品券受助人的利用显着和持续增加。



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