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Comparison of six evapotranspiration models for a surface irrigated maize agro-ecosystem in Northern Italy.


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The approaches for the estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) can be classified in "direct" methods, based on the original Penman-Monteith (PM) equation, in which the canopy resistance rc is modelled, and "indirect" methods, based on the preliminary calculation of ET for a well-watered reference grass (ETo) with a constant rc, which is then multiplied by a crop coefficient Kc to obtain ET. Even if the latter approaches are more widely adopted for their practical simplicity, many authors show that the former often provide better ET estimates in absence of calibration of crop parameters. In this study the performances of different direct and indirect methods were evaluated in the case of a surface irrigated maize grown in the Padana Plain (Northern Italy). The "one-layer" original PM equation with three different models for rc (Monteith, Jarvis, Katerji-Perrier), the "two-layers" PM model proposed by Shuttleworth and Wallace, the "single" and "double crop coefficient" models illustrated in the Paper FAO-56 were compared to latent heat fluxes measured in 2006 by eddy-covariance techniques. Results confirm that direct methods are more performing. The FAO-56 models with generalized crop coefficients overestimate ET, especially during the middle growth stage.
机译:可以基于原始的Penman-Monteith(PM)方程,以“直接”方法对估算蒸散量(ET)的方法进行分类,在该方程中,对树冠阻力r c 进行建模,间接”方法,基于对具有恒定r c 的灌溉良好的参考草(ETo)的ET的初步计算,然后将其乘以作物系数K c 获得ET。即使后一种方法因其实用的简便性而被更广泛地采用,许多作者表明,前一种方法通常在没有校准作物参数的情况下提供更好的ET估算。在这项研究中,以帕达纳平原(意大利北部)种植的地面灌溉玉米为例,评估了不同直接和间接方法的性能。具有三个不同模型的r c 的“单层”原始PM方程(Monteith,Jarvis,Kateji-Perrier),Shuttleworth和Wallace提出的“两层” PM模型,“单层”将FAO-56号文件中说明的“和”双作物系数”模型与2006年通过涡度协方差技术测得的潜热通量进行了比较。结果证实直接方法的效果更好。具有普遍性作物系数的FAO-56模型高估了ET,尤其是在中期生长阶段。



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