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Agronomic and economic benefits of coffee-banana intercropping in Uganda's smallholder farming systems


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Coffee and banana are major cash and food crops, respectively, for many smallholders in the East African highlands. Uganda is the largest banana producer and 2nd largest coffee producer in Africa. Both crops are predominantly grown as monocultures. However, coffee-banana intercropping is common in densely populated areas. This study assessed the profitability of intercropped coffee-banana systems compared to mono-cropped systems in regions growing Arabica (Mt. Elgon) and Robusta (south and west) coffee in Uganda. The study was carried out in 152 plots in 2006/2007. Data were collected through structured farmer interviews, field measurements and observations. Coffee yields did not differ significantly (P [inline image] 0.05) between mono-crops and intercrops. Arabica coffee yields were 1.23 and 1.18 t ha[super]-1 year[super]-1 of green beans in mono-cropped and intercropped plots, respectively. Robusta yields averaged 1.25 and 1.09 t ha[super]-1 year[super]-1 of green beans in mono-crops and intercrops, respectively. Banana yields were significantly higher (P [inline image] 0.05) in intercrops (20.19 t ha[super]-1 year[super]-1) compared with mono-crops (14.82 t ha[super]-1 year[super]-1) in Arabica growing region. In Robusta growing region, banana yields were significantly lower (P [inline image] 0.05) in intercrops (8.89 t ha[super]-1 year[super]-1) compared with mono-crops (15.04 t ha[super]-1 year[super]-1). Marginal rate of returns of adding banana to mono-cropped coffee was 911% and 200% in Arabica and Robusta growing regions, respectively. Fluctuations in coffee prices are not likely to affect the acceptability of intercrops when compared with coffee mono-crops in both regions, but an increase in wage rates by 100% can make intercropping unacceptable in Robusta growing region. This study showed that coffee-banana intercropping is much more beneficial than banana or coffee mono-cropping and that agricultural intensification of food and cash crops in African smallholder systems should not solely depend on the mono-crop pathway.
机译:对于东非高地的许多小农来说,咖啡和香蕉分别是主要的经济和粮食作物。乌干达是非洲最大的香蕉生产国和第二大咖啡生产国。两种作物都主要以单一栽培方式种植。但是,咖啡香蕉套种在人口稠密的地区很普遍。这项研究评估了在乌干达种植阿拉比卡咖啡(埃尔贡山)和罗布斯塔咖啡(南,西)的地区,单作系统与单作系统相比的获利能力。该研究在2006/2007年在152个地块中进行。通过结构化的农民访谈,实地测量和观察收集数据。单作和间作之间的咖啡产量没有显着差异(P [inline image] 0.05)。在单作和间作地块中,阿拉比卡咖啡的生豆产量分别为1.23 t ha ^ -1年super-1。单作和间作的罗布斯塔单季生豆平均产量分别为1.25和1.09 t ha-1 -1年。间作(20.19 t ha-1年级-1)的香蕉产量明显高于单作(14.82 t ha-1年级-1)。 1)在阿拉比卡种植区。在罗布斯塔(Robusta)种植区,间作作物(8.89 t ha-1-1年super-1)的香蕉产量显着低于单作作物(15.04 t ha-1)(P [0.05] 0.05)。年[超级-1]。在阿拉比卡咖啡和罗布斯塔咖啡种植地区,向单种咖啡中添加香蕉的边际收益率分别为911%和200%。与两个地区的单作咖啡相比,咖啡价格的波动不太可能影响间作的可接受性,但工资率提高100%可能会使罗布斯塔种植地区的间作无法接受。这项研究表明,咖啡-香蕉间作比香蕉或咖啡单作更为有益,非洲小农系统中农业集约化的粮食和经济作物不应仅依赖于单作途径。



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