首页> 外文期刊>BioMed research international >A Retrospective Study of Ectoparasitosis in Patients Referred to Imam Reza Hospital of Mashhad, Iran

A Retrospective Study of Ectoparasitosis in Patients Referred to Imam Reza Hospital of Mashhad, Iran


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This cross-sectional study was performed on all patients suspected to be suffering from ectoparasites who were referred to the parasitology laboratory of Imam Reza Hospital of Mashhad during 15 years (April 1995 to April 2010). All patients' data were collected from the questionnaires and then analyzed statistically. From 1814 suspected patients to be suffering from ectoparasites, 375 patients had scabies and, 99 suffer from pediculosis. The mean age of patients was 26/18 ± 17/68. The most common age of scabies was 10-19 (27/7%) and pediculosis 0-9(9/6%) (P value = 0.00). The highest incidence of pediculosis was in women (3.6%) and scabies in men (13.7%) (P value = 0.00). Pediculosis is more common in children (9/9%) and scabies in workers (32%)(P value = 0.00). Scabies and pediculosis were more prevalent in patients from Razavi Khorasan Province with 18.7% and 5%, respectively (P value = 0.08).
机译:这项横断面研究是针对所有疑似患有体外寄生虫的患者进行的,这些患者在15年内(1995年4月至2010年4月)被转诊至Mashhad的Imam Reza医院的寄生虫学实验室。从问卷中收集所有患者的数据,然后进行统计分析。从1814名疑似患有外寄生虫的患者中,有375名患有sc疮,其中99名患有足癣。患者的平均年龄为26/18±17/68。 common疮最常见的年龄是10-19岁(27/7%),足癣0-9(9/6%)(P值= 0.00)。足癣发生率最高的是女性(3.6%)和sc疮(13.7%)(P值= 0.00)。儿童(9/9%)和工人sc疮(32%)中儿童脚病较为常见(P值= 0.00)。 Razavi Khorasan省的患者中疮和足癣更为普遍,分别为18.7%和5%(P值= 0.08)。



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