首页> 外文期刊>American Museum Novitates >A new species of the rodent genus Oecomys (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae: Oryzomyini) from eastern Bolivia, with emended definitions of O. concolor (Wagner) and O. mamorae (Thomas)

A new species of the rodent genus Oecomys (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae: Oryzomyini) from eastern Bolivia, with emended definitions of O. concolor (Wagner) and O. mamorae (Thomas)

机译:玻利维亚东部的一种新的啮齿类动物Oecomys(Cricetidae:Sigmodontinae:Oryzomyini),其改良的名称为O. concolor(Wagner)和O. mamorae(Thomas)

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We describe a new species of Oecomys, O. sydandersoni (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae), from the Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado in eastern Bolivia. One of its diagnostic traits, a derived carotid circulatory plan, provides morphological evidence for its close relationship to O. concolor and O. mamorae among the 15 species of Oecomys currently recognized. Notwithstanding this shared trait, other morphological contrasts and morphometric analyses demonstrate the sharp differentiation of the eastern Bolivian form from both of those species. Oecomys sydandersoni, n. sp., is arboreal and was encountered above ground on limbs and woody vines only in densely wooded hummocks scattered through grassland, in contrast to adjacent closed tropical deciduous forest where three other species of Oecomys (O. bicolor, O. roberti, O. trinitatis) were obtained. The new species represents the fourth sigmodontine rodent to be named from this restricted region within eastern Bolivia since 1999. Its documentation served as a platform to summarize the nomenclatural history, morphological recognition, and geographic distribution of O. concolor (Wagner, 1845) and O. mamorae (Thomas, 1906) based on fresh examination of all type material and museum specimens.
机译:我们从玻利维亚东部的国家公园诺埃尔·肯普夫·梅尔卡多(Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado)那里描述了一种新的Oecomys,O。sydandersoni(蝉科:Sigmodontinae)。其诊断特征之一是衍生的颈动脉循环计划,为形态学证据提供了证据,表明它与目前公认的15种Oecomys中的O. concolor和O. mamorae密切相关。尽管具有这种共同的特征,但其他形态学对比和形态计量分析表明,东部的玻利维亚形态与这两个物种都存在明显的区别。塞科德斯·奥桑奇sp。,是树栖的,仅在散布在草地上的茂密的树林小丘中,在四肢和木本藤上的地面上才会遇到,与之相邻的密闭热带落叶林中则存在其他三种Oecomys(O。bicolor,O。roberti,O。trinitatis) )。该新物种代表自1999年以来在该玻利维亚东部该禁区命名的第四批乙叉鼠。其文献资料为该平台提供了总结色臭。(Wagner,1845)和臭。的命名历史,形态学识别和地理分布的平台。 。mamorae(Thomas,1906年)基于对所有类型材料和博物馆标本的最新检查。



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