首页> 外文期刊>American Museum Novitates >New species of lizards from Auyantepui and la escalera in the Venezuelan Guayana, with notes on 'microteiid' hemipenes (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae)

New species of lizards from Auyantepui and la escalera in the Venezuelan Guayana, with notes on 'microteiid' hemipenes (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae)

机译:委内瑞拉瓜亚纳州奥亚特普伊和拉escalera的蜥蜴新种,并有关于“ microteiid” hemipenes的注释(鳞片:Gymnophthalmidae)

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Names are provided for two montane gymnophthalmid lizards that have been long known from the Venezuelan Guayana, but that were not described by other workers because specimens had been lost. Euspondylus auyanensis, new species (5 Anadia sp. auctorum), is known only from the summit of Auyantepui, where it was originally discovered by S. Gorzula in 1984; a later specimen, the holotype, was collected by Renaud Boistel in 1998. The monophyly of Euspondylus has not been established and the generic assignment is tentative. Anadia escalerae, new species, is based on a specimen obtained by John Cadle in 1980, in the region of La Escalera, to the east of Auyantepui. It agrees with Anadia sensu stricto in being a slender attenuate lizard, but is unusual in having weakly keeled (vs. smooth) dorsal scales and in having the prefrontals separated by an azygous scale. The last condition also occurs in the holotype of A. pariaensis from the Península de Paria, about 500 km NNW of La Escalera; although differing in several characters, they may be sister species. A new specimen of the rare Anadia blakei (from Cerro Humo, Península de Paria), is described and illustrated. It is a robust lizard, markedly different in habitus from Anadia sensu stricto. Commentary is provided on the usefulness of hemipenial data in gymnophthalmid systematics. The hemipenes of Euspondylus auyanensis, Anadia blakei, and A. ocellata are described and illustrated. The Guayana endemic genus Adercosaurus is provisionally assigned to the subfamily Alopoglossinae based on hemipenial and other resemblances to Ptychoglossus.
机译:提供了两个从委内瑞拉瓜亚纳人早已知道的山ane裸眼动物蜥蜴的名字,但其他工人没有描述它们,因为标本丢失了。 Euspondylus auyanensis,新物种(5 Anadia sp。auctorum),仅在Auyantepui的山顶上才知道,它最初是由S. Gorzula于1984年发现的;雷诺·博伊斯特(Renaud Boistel)于1998年收集了一个后来的标本,即标本。尚未建立Euspondylus的单字本,且通用名称是暂定的。新物种Anadia escalerae是基于John Cadle在1980年获得的标本,该标本位于Auyantepui以东的La Escalera地区。在细长的衰减蜥蜴方面,它与Anadia sensu stricto一致,但在背龙骨微弱(相对于平滑)的背鳞以及前额被无义鳞隔开的情况下,这是不寻常的。最后一种情况也发生在Penínsulade Paria的A. pariaensis的全形中,大约位于La Escalera NNW 500公里处。尽管在几个字符上有所不同,但它们可能是姊妹物种。描述并说明了稀有的Anadia blakei(来自Penínsulade Paria的Cerro Humo)的新标本。它是一只健壮的蜥蜴,其习性与Anadia sensu stricto明显不同。评论提供了半裸数据在裸眼动物眼药系统中的有用性。描述和说明了Euspondylus auyanensis,Anadia blakei和A. ocellata的半萜。瓜亚那地方性A龙属(Adercosaurus)属暂时性归因于戊pen类的半边形和其他相似之处而被归入Alopoglossinae亚科。



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