首页> 外文期刊>American Museum Novitates >A termite bug in early Miocene amber of the Dominican Republic (Hemiptera : Termitaphididae)

A termite bug in early Miocene amber of the Dominican Republic (Hemiptera : Termitaphididae)


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A new species of the highly specialized hemipteran family of social ectosymbionts, the Termitaphididae, is reported in Miocene amber from the Dominican Republic: Termitaradus avitinquilinus, n.sp. It differs from the only other fossil termitaphidid (Termitaradus protera Poinar and Doyen), in Miocene Mexican amber, and from modern species by various distinctive features. Two of the three specimens of T. avitinquilinus are preserved in a piece of amber with its presumed host, a worker of the basal termite, Mastotermes electrodominicus Krishna and Grimaldi. The hypothesis that the family Termitaphididae is ancient and inhabited Pangaea is disputed in favor of a much more recent, Tertiary origin. It is suggested, in fact, that termitaphidids are highly modified Aradidae, possibly derived from Mezirinae.
机译:来自多米尼加共和国的中新世琥珀报导了一种高度专业化的半致同胞半共胞外蝇科的新物种:Termitaphididae:Termitaradus avitinquilinus,n.sp。它不同于中新世墨西哥琥珀中唯一的其他化石白蚁化石(Termitaradus protera Poinar和Doyen)以及具有各种独特特征的现代物种。 Avitinquilinus的三个标本中的两个被保存在一块琥珀中,并带有其推测的寄主,基底白蚁的一名工人,Mastermtermes electrodominicus Krishna和Grimaldi。 Termitaphididae科是古老且居住于Pangea的假说受到了反对,认为它是近来的第三纪起源。实际上,有人建议白蚁是经过高度修饰的小节肢动物,可能衍生自Mezirinae。



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