首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Ophthalmology: The International Journal of Ophthalmology >Evolution of early changes at the vitreoretinal interface after cataract surgery determined by optical coherence tomography and ultrasonography

Evolution of early changes at the vitreoretinal interface after cataract surgery determined by optical coherence tomography and ultrasonography


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Purpose: To evaluate the onset of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) including early changes at the vitreoretinal interface after uneventful phacoemulsification in nonmyopic eyes using optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ultrasound. Design: Prospective consecutive study. Methods: Patients undergoing cataract surgery at our unit between January and October 2010 were recruited and examined with OCT and ultrasound preoperatively. Inclusion criteria were complete vitreoretinal attachment, no ocular pathology other than cataract, and no previous ocular surgery. All patients underwent phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation. Postoperatively, OCT and ultrasound were performed 1 month and 3 months after surgery. Exclusion criteria were axial length ≥25 mm, lattice degeneration, intraoperative complications, and incomplete follow-up. Results: Forty-nine eyes of 49 patients could be enrolled in the study. Some degree of PVD was noted in 29 eyes (59.2%) 1 month after surgery and in 35 eyes (71.4%) 3 months after surgery. Moreover, a significant decrease in prevalence of initial PVD and a corresponding increase of more advanced PVD stages throughout the duration of the study was observed. In patients older than 70 years some degree of PVD was diagnosed in 92.3% compared to 47.8% in patients younger than 70 years (P =.002). Conclusion: OCT facilitates the detection of early vitreoretinal separation that indicates initial PVD. After phacoemulsification the prevalence of some degree of PVD is consequently more frequent when supplementary OCT is used. Furthermore, OCT discloses a significant progression of PVD in the postoperative course. Patients older than 70 years are more likely to develop pseudophakic PVD.
机译:目的:使用光学相干断层扫描(OCT)和超声技术评估非近视眼无畸形超声乳化后玻璃体视网膜脱离(PVD)的发生,包括玻璃体视网膜界面的早期变化。设计:前瞻性连续研究。方法:招募2010年1月至2010年10月在我科接受白内障手术的患者,并术前进行OCT和超声检查。纳入标准为玻璃体视网膜完全附着,除白内障外无其他眼部病理,且无过眼科手术。所有患者均接受人工晶状体植入术的超声乳化术。术后1个月和3个月进行OCT和超声检查。排除标准为轴长≥25mm,晶格变性,术中并发症和不完全随访。结果:49名患者的49眼可以纳入研究。术后1个月的29眼(59.2%)和术后3个月的35眼(71.4%)出现了一定程度的PVD。此外,在整个研究期间,观察到初始PVD的患病率显着降低,而更晚期的PVD阶段相应增加。在70岁以上的患者中,诊断出一定程度的PVD占92.3%,而在70岁以下的患者中诊断为47.8%(P = .002)。结论:OCT有助于早期玻璃体视网膜分离的检测,表明最初的PVD。超声乳化后,使用补充性OCT时,一定程度的PVD患病率更高。此外,OCT揭示了PVD在术后病程中的显着进展。年龄超过70岁的患者更容易发生假晶状体PVD。



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