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Raymond B. Fosdick (1883-1972): Ardent Advocate of Internationalism

机译:雷蒙德·B·福斯迪克(Raymond B.Fosdick)(1883-1972):国际主义的热心拥护者

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RAYMOND B. FOSDICK, WHO would serve as the President of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1936 to 1948, was a lifetime disciple of Woodrow Wilson. His family was not wealthy but managed to scrape up enough money to send him to Princeton University. There he met Wilson, at that time president of the university, later to become the president of the United States (1913-1921). Fosdick described Wilson as an outstanding teacher, intellectually brilliant, who held his students spellbound. Fosdick graduated from Princeton in 1905, and then studied law at New York Law School. In 1912, during the presidential campaign, Wilson appointed Fosdick the secretary and auditor of the finance committee of the National Democratic Committee. Once elected President, Wilson made several other job offers which Fosdick declined, perhaps because by this time, he had met John D. Rockefeller Sr and his son, John D. Rockefeller Jr, possessors of an enormous fortune. By January 1913, the elder Rockefeller had asked him to prepare a report on the police systems of Europe, and then appointed him a trustee of two Rockefeller philanthropies: the General Education Board and the International Education Board. When the United States entered World War I, Fosdick was appointed chairman of the Commission on Training Camp Activities of the War Department. The goal of this commission was to promote athletics and other healthy activities and to distract the men from prostitutes, gambling, and excessive drinking. As the war was ending, Fosdick served as Special Representative of the War Department in France and as civilian aide to General Pershing during the Paris Peace Conference. On the journey, Woodrow Wilson discussed his vision of a League of Nations, an organization to be dedicated to the prevention of war, the maintenance of peaceful cooperation among nations, and free trade. On his return to the United States, Wilson asked Fosdick to become Under-Secretary of the League of Nations, then in formation. Fosdick accepted, although he was concerned about his own qualifications for so momentous an undertaking. From that time on, he would be dedicated to the goal of realizing Wilson's ideal. Problems, however, arose in the United States Senate. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge led a group of senators strongly opposed to the League; the Senate was locked in months of contentious debate which Fosdick called an "unrelieved nightmare." Increasingly upset and angry with American opposition to the League, Fosdick decided to resign his position. Instead, he became a strong public advocate for the League of Nations, a stance he maintained for the remainder of his life.
机译:世卫组织RAYMOND B. FOSDICK在1936年至1948年期间担任洛克菲勒基金会主席,是伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)的一生门徒。他的家人并不富裕,但设法凑够了足够的钱送他去普林斯顿大学。在那儿,他遇到了当时的大学校长威尔逊,后来成为美国总统(1913-1921年)。福斯迪克(Fosdick)将威尔逊描述为一位出色的老师,他的才华横溢,使他的学生迷住了。福斯迪克于1905年从普林斯顿大学毕业,然后在纽约法学院学习法律。 1912年,在总统大选期间,威尔逊任命福斯迪克(Fosdick)为国家民主委员会财政委员会秘书兼审计员。一旦当选总统,威尔逊就提出了其他几份工作提议,但福斯迪克拒绝了,可能是因为到那时,他已经遇到了约翰·洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller Sr)和他的儿子约翰·洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller Jr),他拥有巨大的财富。到1913年1月,年长的洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)要求他编写有关欧洲警察制度的报告,然后任命他为洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)两种慈善事业的受托人:通识教育委员会和国际教育委员会。当美国参加第一次世界大战时,福斯迪克被任命为战争部训练营活动委员会主席。该委员会的目的是促进体育运动和其他健康活动,并使男人从妓女,赌博和过度饮酒中分散注意力。战争结束之际,福斯迪克曾担任法国战争部特别代表,并在巴黎和会期间担任潘兴将军的文职助手。在旅途中,伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)讨论了他对国际联盟的愿景,该联盟致力于预防战争,维持国家之间的和平合作以及自由贸易。返回美国后,威尔逊要求福斯迪克(Fosdick)成为国际联盟的副秘书长,随后成立。福斯迪克接受了,尽管他对自己如此重要的事业的资格感到担忧。从那时起,他将致力于实现威尔逊理想的目标。但是,美国参议院出现了问题。参议员亨利·卡伯特·洛奇(Henry Cabot Lodge)领导了一群强烈反对联盟的参议员。参议院陷入了长达数月的争论,福斯迪克称之为“无法释怀的噩梦”。福斯迪克对美国反对联盟感到越来越沮丧和愤怒,他决定辞职。相反,他成为国际联盟的坚决公共倡导者,这一立场在他余生中都得到了坚持。



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