首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >HIV-associated histories, perceptions, and practices among low-income African American women: does rural residence matter?

HIV-associated histories, perceptions, and practices among low-income African American women: does rural residence matter?


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OBJECTIVES: This study compared HIV-associated sexual health history, risk perceptions, and sexual risk behaviors of low-income rural and nonrural African American women. METHODS: A cross-sectional statewide survey of African American women (n = 571) attending federally funded Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children clinics was conducted. RESULTS: Adjusted analyses indicated that rural women were more likely to report not being counseled about HIV during pregnancy (P =.001), that a sex partner had not been tested for HIV (P =.005), no preferred method of prevention because they did not worry about sexually transmitted diseases (P =.02), not using condoms (P =.009), and a belief that their partner was HIV negative, despite lack of testing (P =.04). CONCLUSIONS: This study provided initial evidence that low-income rural African American women are an important population for HIV prevention programs.
机译:目的:本研究比较了低收入农村和非农村非洲裔美国妇女的艾滋病相关性健康史,风险感知和性风险行为。方法:对参加由联邦政府资助的妇女,婴儿和儿童诊所特别补充营养计划的非洲裔美国妇女(n = 571)进行了全州性横断面调查。结果:调整后的分析表明,农村妇女更有可能报告在怀孕期间未接受过有关艾滋病毒的咨询(P = .001),未对性伴侣进行艾滋病毒检测(P = .005),没有首选的预防方法,因为他们不担心性传播疾病(P = .02),不使用避孕套(P = .009),并且尽管没有检测,他们也相信伴侣是HIV阴性(P = .04)。结论:本研究提供了初步的证据,即低收入的农村非洲裔美国妇女是艾滋病毒预防计划的重要人群。



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