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Invited Commentary: Fundamental Causes, Social Context, and Modifiable Risk Factors in the Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Blood Pressure and Hypertension


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Racial and ethnic inequalities in blood pressure and hypertension have been well documented, but their causes remain unclear, making efforts to reduce these inequalities challenging. In this issue of the Journal, Basu et al. (Am J Epidemiol. 2015;182(4):345-353) address this gap in our knowledge by using an econometric approach to examine the role of 4 conventional risk factors for hypertension. Their results suggest that targeting certain risk factors will reduce racial inequalities in the prevalence of hypertension. However, racial differences in modifiable risk factors are enmeshed within disparate socioenvironmental contexts which are in turn determined by inequalities in the distribution of social, economic, and political resources and constraints. A small but growing body of literature suggests that targeting the intermediate risk factors that link racial group membership to hypertension, rather than the context or the inequalities in the distribution of resources and constraints, will ultimately result in little change in hypertension inequalities, increase these inequalities, or even create inequalities in poor mental health.
机译:血压和高血压的种族和族裔不平等现象已得到充分证明,但其原因尚不清楚,因此努力减少这些不平等现象具有挑战性。在本期杂志中,Basu等人。 (Am J Epidemiol.2015; 182(4):345-353)通过使用计量经济学方法来检验4种常规高血压危险因素的作用来解决我们在知识方面的这一差距。他们的结果表明,针对某些危险因素,将减少高血压患病中的种族不平等。但是,可改变的风险因素中的种族差异被包含在不同的社会环境环境中,而社会环境环境又由社会,经济和政治资源的分配不均和制约因素决定。少量但不断增长的文献表明,针对将种族群体成员与高血压联系起来的中间风险因素,而不是背景或资源分配和约束条件的不平等,最终将导致高血压不平等的变化很小,从而加剧这些不平等,甚至造成精神健康状况不平等。



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