首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Strategies for multiple imputation in longitudinal studies.

Strategies for multiple imputation in longitudinal studies.


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Multiple imputation is increasingly recommended in epidemiology to adjust for the bias and loss of information that may occur in analyses restricted to study participants with complete data ("complete-case analyses"). However, little guidance is available on applying the method, including which variables to include in the imputation model and the number of imputations needed. Here, the authors used multiple imputation to analyze the prevalence of wheeze among 81-month-old children in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (Avon, United Kingdom; 1991-1999) and the association of wheeze with gender, maternal asthma, and maternal smoking. The authors examined how inclusion of different types of variables in the imputation model affected point estimates and precision, and assessed the impact of number of imputations on Monte Carlo variability. Inclusion of variables associated with the outcome in the imputation model increased odds ratios and reduced standard errors. When only 5 or 10 imputations were used, variability due to the imputation procedure was substantial enough to affect conclusions. Careful preliminary analysis identified the scope for multiple imputation to reduce bias and improve efficiency and provided guidance for building the imputation model. When data are missing, such preliminary analyses should be routinely undertaken and reported, regardless of whether multiple imputation is used in the final analysis.
机译:在流行病学中,越来越多地建议采用多重插补,以调整偏向和信息丢失的情况,这种偏见和信息丢失可能仅限于具有完整数据(“完整病例分析”)的研究参与者。但是,有关应用该方法的指南很少,包括估算模型中应包含哪些变量以及所需的估算数量。在这里,作者使用多重推论来分析Avon父母与儿童纵向研究(Avon,英国; 1991-1999)中81岁大的儿童的喘息患病率,以及喘息与性别,孕产妇哮喘,和孕妇吸烟。作者研究了在插补模型中包含不同类型的变量如何影响点估计和精度,并评估了插补数量对蒙特卡洛变异性的影响。在插补模型中包含与结果相关的变量,可以提高比值比并减少标准误。当仅使用5或10个插补时,由于插补程序而导致的可变性足以影响结论。仔细的初步分析确定了多重插补的范围,以减少偏差并提高效率,并为建立插补模型提供了指导。如果缺少数据,则应常规进行此类初步分析并报告,无论最终分析中是否使用多次插补。



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