首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Predictors of the timing of natural menopause in the Multiethnic Cohort Study.

Predictors of the timing of natural menopause in the Multiethnic Cohort Study.


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The timing of natural menopause has implications for several health endpoints; in particular, it is a risk factor for breast cancer. The authors investigated factors influencing the timing of natural menopause among 95,704 women with a mean age of 59.7 years (10th-90th percentile range, 47.0-71.0) in five racial/ethnic groups in the Multiethnic Cohort Study, including non-Latina Whites, Japanese Americans, African Americans, Native Hawai'ians, and Latinas. The authors investigated whether race/ethnicity and several lifestyle and reproductive characteristics were associated with the timing of natural menopause. Race/ethnicity was a significant independent predictor of the timing of natural menopause. Other factors, including smoking, age at menarche, parity, and body mass index, did not significantly alter the race/ethnicity-specific hazard ratios. Relative to non-Latina Whites, natural menopause occurred earlier among Latinas (US-born Latinas: hazard ratio (HR) = 1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.07, 1.14; non-US-born Latinas: HR = 1.25, 95% CI: 1.21, 1.30) and later among Japanese Americans (HR = 0.93, 95% CI: 0.90, 0.95). These results support the hypothesis that the timing of natural menopause is driven by a combination of genetic, reproductive, and lifestyle factors.
机译:自然绝经的时机对几个健康终点都有影响。特别是它是乳腺癌的危险因素。作者在多种族队列研究中调查了五个种族/族裔群体中的95,704名平均绝经时间的因素,这些女性的平均年龄为59.7岁(10-90%百分位,47.0-71.0),其中包括非拉丁裔白人,日本人美国人,非裔美国人,夏威夷土著人和拉丁裔。作者调查了种族/民族,几种生活方式和生殖特征是否与自然更年期有关。种族/民族是自然更年期的重要独立预测因子。其他因素,包括吸烟,初潮年龄,均等和体重指数,并未显着改变种族/民族特有的危险比。与非拉丁裔白人相比,拉丁裔自然绝经发生得更早(美国出生的拉丁裔:危险比(HR)= 1.10,95%置信区间(CI):1.07,1.14;非美国裔拉丁裔:HR = 1.25, 95%CI:1.21,1.30)和随后的日裔美国人(HR = 0.93,95%CI:0.90,0.95)。这些结果支持以下假设:自然绝经的时机由遗传,生殖和生活方式因素共同驱动。



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