首页> 外文期刊>体力科学: Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine >Increasing muscle carnitine content alters muscle fuel metabolism and improves exercise performance in humans

Increasing muscle carnitine content alters muscle fuel metabolism and improves exercise performance in humans

机译:增加肌肉 肉碱的含量 会改变 肌肉 燃料 代谢, 改善 人类 运动表现

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Insulin increases muscle total carnitine (TC) content during acute i. v. L-carnitine infusion (Stephens et al., 2006). Here we determined the effects of chronic ingestion of L-carnitine and carbohydrate (CHO) on muscle TC content and exercise metabolism and performance. On 2 occasions,14 healthy, moderately trained, male volunteers (age 25.9 (+-) 2.1yr, BMI 23.0 (+-) 0.8 kg/m ) performed an exercise test comprising 30 min cycling at 50% and 80% VO_2max, followed by a 30 min performance trial. Muscle biopsies were obtained at rest and after exercise at 50% and 80% VO_2max on each occasion. Following the first exercise visit volunteers ingested either 80 g of CHO (Control) or 2 g of L-carnitine L-tartrate (containing 1.32 g of L-carnitine) and 80 g of CHO (Carnitine) twice per day for 24 wk in a randomised, double blind manner. Muscle TC increased by 20% in Carnitine (22 (+-) 1.1to 26.7 (+-) 2.4,< 0.05), whilst it was unchanged in Control At 50% VO_2max, the Carnitine group exhibited 55% less muscle glycogen utilisation ((DELTA) 26.9 (+-) 4.4 vs 60.3 (+-) 9.4 mmol-kg_1dry muscle (dm), P<0.05) and 30%less activation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC, (DELTA) 0.5 (+-) 0.1 vs 0.7 (+-) 0.1mmol acetyl Co А/min kg~(-1) wet muscle (wm), P< 0.05) compared to Control Conversely, at 80% V02max, muscle PDC activation status was 45% higher (2.3 (+-) 0.2 vs 1.6(+-) 0.1mmol acetyl CoA/min kg~(-1)wm,P<0.05), acetylcarmtme content was 16% greater (18.4 (+-)1.7 vs 15,8 (+-) 1.4 mmol.kg~(-1)dm,P<0.10) and muscle lactate content was 44% lower (25.0 (+-) 4.1 vs 44.4 +- 6.9 mmol kg~(-1)dm, P < 0.05) in Carnitine compared to Control. The Carnitine group also demonstrated a 10% increase in output from baseline in the performance trial (343 (+-) 20 vs 310 (+-) 26 kJ, P < 0.01), whilst work output was unchanged in Control. Here we show for the first time that combined CHO and L-carnitine ingestion increased muscle TC content Furthermore, increasing muscle TC dampened muscle PDC activation and CHO utilisation during low-intensity exercise, and lowered muscle lactate accumulation by increasing PDC activation status and flux during higher intensity exercise. These events were associated with improved exercise performance. Here we demonstrate a dual role of carnitine in muscle energy metabolism that is exercise intensity dependent. Thus, increasing muscle TC spares muscle glycogen during lower intensity exercise, possibly by increasing fat oxidation, but during higher intensity exercise results in a better matching of glycolytic and PDC flux, thereby lowering muscle lactate accumulation.
机译:胰岛素在急性I期间增加肌肉总肉碱(TC)含量。 v。L-肉碱输注(斯蒂芬斯等人,2006)。在这里,我们确定了慢性摄入慢性摄入L-肉碱和碳水化合物(CHO)对肌肉TC含量和运动代谢和性能的影响。在2场24场健康,适度训练的男性志愿者(25.9岁(+ - )2.1yr,BMI 23.0(+ - )0.8 kg / m)进行了锻炼试验,其循环循环为50%和80%VO_2max,然后进行通过30分钟的性能试验。在每个场合在50%和80%VO_2MAX的锻炼时获得肌肉活组织检查。在第一次练习之后,志愿者每天摄取80克CHO(对照)或2克左旋肉碱L-酒石酸(含有1.32g左旋肉碱)和80g CHO(肉碱),在a中24周随机,双盲方式。肌肉Tc在肉碱中增加20%(22(+ - )1.1至26.7(+ - )2.4,<0.05),同时在50%VO_2max的控制下保持不变,肉毒碱组较小的肌肉糖原利用率减少了55%(( δ)26.9(+ - )4.4与60.3(+ - )9.4 mmol-kg_1dry肌肉(dm),p <0.05)和丙酮酸脱氢酶复合物的活化少30%(pdc,(delta)0.5(+ - )0.1 Vs 0.7(+ - )0.1mmol乙酰基Coа/ min kg〜(-1)湿肌肉(wm),p <0.05)与对照相反,在80%V02max时,肌肉PDC活化状态高45%(2.3(+ - )0.2 Vs 1.6(+ - )0.1mmol乙酰Coa / min kg〜(-1)wm,p <0.05),乙酰心液含量为16%(18.4(+ - )1.7 Vs 15,8(+ - )1.4 Mmol.kg〜(-1)Dm,p <0.10)和肌肉乳酸含量下降44%(25.0(+ - )4.1与肉碱相比,P <0.05)P <0.05)控制。肉碱组还证明了在性能试验中的基线输出增加了10%(343(+ - )20 Vs 310(+ - )26kJ,P <0.01),同时对照组不变。在这里,我们首次展示组合CHO和L-肉碱摄取进一步增加了肌肉TC含量,并且在低强度运动期间增加了肌肉TC阻尼肌PDC活化和CHO利用,通过增加PDC激活状态和通量期间降低肌肉乳酸积累更高的强度运动。这些事件与改善的运动表现有关。在这里,我们证明了肉毒碱在肌肉能量代谢中的双重作用,其是运动强度依赖性。因此,在较低强度运动期间增加肌肉TC诱导肌肉糖原,可能通过增加脂肪氧化,但在更高的强度锻炼期间导致糖酵解和PDC通量的更好匹配,从而降低肌肉乳酸积聚。



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