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The Year 2013 in Sociocultural Anthropology: Cultures of Circulation and Anthropological Facts


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In this review essay, I explore the relationship between cultures of circulation and anthropological facts. Research published in 2013 advanced the field by attending to the coproduction of globally circulating things (commodities, race, brands, authenticity, blood) and specific cultural landscapes. Building on the field's renewed interest in materiality, scholars showed how anthropological facts are produced at the intersection of interlocking cultural classification systems and a world that is heterogeneous and dynamic. Moving beyond the notion that shared meanings and categories are attached to or layered on people and things, this approach conceptualized such relations recursively. Scholars suggested that race-as an anthropological fact-becomes biological through social practice and, similarly, that cultural assumptions and political biases become environmental because they are embedded in our infrastructures and built landscapes. This approach permeates many of the articles reviewed and links the clusters into which I have grouped them: "Value and Incommensurability," "Brands and Authenticity," "Race and Blood," and "Infrastructure and Citizenship." I conclude by discussing the challenges and opportunities for a sociocultural anthropology that recognizes the transformative power of global connection while refusing to give up its long-running pursuit of cultural wisdom and more humane social configurations.
机译:在这篇评论文章中,我探讨了流通文化与人类学事实之间的关系。 2013年发表的研究成果参与了全球流通事物(商品,种族,品牌,真实性,血统)和特定文化景观的联合制作,从而推动了该领域的发展。在该领域对物质性重新产生兴趣的基础上,学者们展示了在相互关联的文化分类系统和一个异质而又动态的世界的交汇处如何产生人类学事实。除了将共享的含义和类别附加或附加在人和事物上的观念之外,这种方法递归地概念化了这种关系。学者们提出,种族作为人类学的事实,通过社会实践成为生物,并且类似地,文化假设和政治偏见也变成了环境,因为它们嵌入了我们的基础设施和景观之中。这种方法渗透到许多已审查的文章中,并链接了我将它们归类到的集群:“价值与不可通约性”,“品牌与真实性”,“种族与血统”和“基础设施与公民身份”。最后,我将讨论一种社会文化人类学的挑战和机遇,这种社会文化人类学承认全球联系的变革力量,同时又拒绝放弃其长期以来对文化智慧和更加人道化的社会形态的追求。



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