首页> 外文期刊>Bird Study >Decline of the Orkney Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus population: do changes to demographic parameters and mating system fit a declining food hypothesis?

Decline of the Orkney Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus population: do changes to demographic parameters and mating system fit a declining food hypothesis?

机译:Orkney Hen Harrier马戏团cyanuss种群数量的下降:人口统计参数和交配系统的变化是否符合食物假设的下降?

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Capsule A decline in polygyny and lower secondary female breeding success have reduced male productivity and most likely led to the population decline. Aims To examine whether changes in demographic parameters during a population decline fit with a hypothesis that there has been a reduction in food supplies. Methods We examined changes in the number of young, numbers of successful broods and the size of these broods, produced on west Mainland, Orkney between 1953 and 2000 from ringing returns and original nest records. We also examined the changes in polygyny levels between 1967-74, 1976-81 and 1998-2000. Using more intensive data from 1980-81 and 1998-2000, we examined whether there were any changes in various breeding parameters of primary (monogamous or alpha) females or secondary (beta) females. Results Numbers of young and broods produced have declined dramatically in the west Mainland of Orkney since the end of the 1970s. In the 1970s, an average of 60 chicks fledged each year, whereas an average of only 16 chicks fledged in the 1990s. However, over this same period, the average brood size of successful nests did not change. The percentage of males breeding polygynously decreased from around 75% during 1967-81 to only 17% during 1998-2000, and the breeding success of secondary females also decreased. As a result, productivity of males on Orkney was significantly lower in 1998-2000 than in 1980-81. Conclusions The Hen Harrier population has declined dramatically on Orkney since the end of the 1970s. This was due to a decrease in polygynous breeding and a reduction in the breeding success of secondary females. Changes to demographic parameters were consistent with a hypothesis that the decline was an effect of reduced food availability during the early part of the breeding season during recent years.
机译:一夫多妻制的下降和次生雌性育种成功率的降低降低了雄性生产力,最有可能导致种群减少。目的探讨人口减少期间人口统计学参数的变化是否符合粮食供应减少的假设。方法我们从响尾蛇返回和原始巢记录中检查了1953年至2000年之间在奥克尼州西部大陆生产的幼鱼数量,成功育雏数量和这些育雏数量的变化。我们还研究了1967-74年,1976-81年和1998-2000年之间一夫多妻制的变化。使用1980-81年和1998-2000年的更密集的数据,我们检查了雌性(一夫一妻制或α型)或次生(β雌性)的各种育种参数是否有任何变化。结果自1970年代末以来,奥克尼群岛西部的幼鱼和幼鱼的数量急剧下降。在1970年代,每年平均有60羽雏鸡出雏,而在1990年代,平均只有16羽雏鸡出雏。但是,在同一时期,成功筑巢的平均育雏尺寸没有变化。一夫多妻制繁殖的雄性比例从1967-81年的约75%降至1998-2000年的仅17%,次生雌性的繁殖成功率也有所下降。结果,在1998-2000年间,奥克尼郡男性的生产率明显低于1980-81年。结论自1970年代末以来,奥克尼郡的Hen Harrier人口急剧减少。这是由于一夫多妻制繁殖的减少和次生雌性繁殖成功的减少。人口统计学参数的变化与以下假设相一致:下降是对近几年繁殖季节早期食物供应减少的影响。



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