首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of plant physiology >Evaluation of Potassium Humate Effects on Germination, Yield and Yield Components of HPS-II/67 Hybrid True Potato Seeds Under in vitro and in vivo Conditions

Evaluation of Potassium Humate Effects on Germination, Yield and Yield Components of HPS-II/67 Hybrid True Potato Seeds Under in vitro and in vivo Conditions

机译:体外和体内条件下腐植酸钾对HPS-II / 67杂种真马铃薯种子发芽,产量和产量构成的影响

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This experiment was done for evaluation the effects of potassium humate on seed germination, yield and yield components and seed planting method to commercial used of F1 true potato seed. This research was conducted in Ardabil (Iran) during 2007 and 2008. HPS-II/67 hybrid seed 3500 were grown after treatment in seven different times by potassium humate (for 6, 12, 18 and 24 h till complete germination in potassium humate solution, till complete germination in water and without using the potassium humate and water as control). Potassium humate was used 40 mL kg super(-1) seed in 2 L of water. Then seeds were transferred to greenhouse and planted in peat mass bed (Biolan). During growth period were measured the traits such as start and seed germination percent and day number from planting till germination in laboratory and greenhouse. Seedlings transferred in 4-5 leaf stages to field. Experimental design was randomized complete blocks with three replications. After harvest, were measured the traits such as tuber number and weight per plant, tuber weight average per plant and tuber yield. Results showed that among different treatments of potassium humate there is significant difference for the tuber number and weight per plant, tuber weight average per plant and tuber yield. The maximum seed germination percent, tuber number and weight per plant, tuber weight average per plant and tuber yield produced in 6 and 12 h treatment by potassium humate. Direct planting of TPS in compare with the planting after seed germination in potassium humate and water caused to increase tuber yield. In this experiment, seed treatment by potassium humate for 6-12 h and seed direct planting in greenhouse percent without seed germination under in vitro, caused to increase seed germination percent and tuber yield.
机译:本实验旨在评估腐植酸钾对F1真马铃薯种子商业化使用的种子萌发,产量和产量构成的影响以及种子的种植方法。该研究于2007年至2008年在阿尔达比勒(伊朗)进行。HPS-II / 67杂种种子3500经过腐殖酸钾处理7次不同时间后生长(持续6、12、18和24 h,直到在腐殖酸钾溶液中完全发芽)。 ,直到在水中完全发芽为止,而不使用腐植酸钾和水作为对照。腐植酸钾在2 L水中使用40 mL kg super(-1)种子。然后将种子转移到温室中,并种植在泥炭垫层(Biolan)中。在生长期间,对实验室和温室中从种植到发芽的种子的发芽率,种子发芽率和天数等特性进行了测定。幼苗以4-5个叶期转移到田间。实验设计是具有三个重复的随机完整块。收获后,测量诸如块茎数量和单株重量,每株块茎平均重量和块茎产量等性状。结果表明,在腐植酸钾的不同处理方法中,块茎数量和单株重量,单株块茎平均重量和块茎产量均存在显着差异。在腐殖酸钾处理6和12小时后产生的最大种子发芽率,每株块茎数量和重量,每株块茎平均重量和块茎产量。与种子发芽后在腐植酸钾和水中的直接种植相比,TPS直接种植可增加块茎产量。在该实验中,腐植酸钾处理种子6-12 h,然后在温室中直接种植种子而不进行种子萌发,从而提高了种子发芽率和块茎产量。



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