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The Effects ofTree stand layers on Resident Bird Species in Belgrade Forest, Istanbul, Turkey


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This study aims at determining the effect of tree stand layers on the variety of bird species and show that there is a clear difference in the number of bird species between single layer and double layer tree stands. The Belgrade Forest, where the research was carried out, covers 5408.29 hectare and is located in the north of the Istanbul province in the Marmara Region, between 28°53'25" and 29°00'55" eastern longitude and 41°09'44" and 41°14'40" of northern latitude. The study area is a protected natural forest in the north-west Turkish Cas-tanetum-Fagetum transition zone, with oaks accounting for almost 75% of the forest flora. To count all the observed birds in this study for five years the "point count method" was used. At each point every bird species, their numbers and reproduction information for the resident birds was collected for 10 minutes once a month from March to June. The sampling points, 93 in number and 750 m apart in every direction, were spread over the whole study area. The93 observation points were classified into 15 stand types. One-Way ANOVA was used to investigate whether the one independent variable of the tree stand layers has any effect on the dependent variables of bird species. It was found that from 33 native bird species less species were breeding in single layered stands than in two-layered ones (n = 93, p = 0.05). In the two-layered stands, the breeding bird counts were m = 20.05 ± 1.731, whilst in the single layered ones the counts amounted to 14.82 ±2.480. According to our results there is a significant difference in the number of breeding bird species between single and double stand layers. The multiple tree stand layers contain more nesting native bird species and are therefore esteemed to have a positive effect on avifauna.
机译:这项研究旨在确定树架层对鸟类种类的影响,并表明单层和双层树架之间鸟类种类的数量存在明显差异。进行研究的贝尔格莱德森林覆盖5408.29公顷,位于马尔马拉地区伊斯坦布尔省的北部,东经28°53'25“至29°00'55”至41°09'之间北纬44“和41°14'40”。研究区域是土耳其西北部Cas-Tanetum-Fagetum过渡带中受保护的天然森林,其中橡木占森林植物区系的近75%。为了对这项研究中所有观察到的禽类进行五年计数,使用了“点数法”。从3月到6月,每月在每个点采集10分钟的每种鸟类的种类,数量和繁殖信息。采样点的数量为93个,在每个方向上相距750 m,分布在整个研究区域中。 93个观察点分为15种林分类型。单向方差分析用于研究林分层的一个自变量是否对鸟类的因变量有任何影响。结果发现,在33种本地鸟类中,单层林分中繁殖的物种少于两层林中的物种(n = 93,p = 0.05)。在两层林分中,繁殖鸟类的计数为m = 20.05±1.731,而在单层林分中,计数为14.82±2.480。根据我们的结果,单层和双层林层之间繁殖鸟类的数量存在显着差异。多个树架层包含更多的筑巢本地鸟类物种,因此被认为对鸟类具有积极作用。



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