首页> 外文期刊>Allergy >Pholcodine exposure raises serum IgE in patients with previous anaphylaxis to neuromuscular blocking agents.

Pholcodine exposure raises serum IgE in patients with previous anaphylaxis to neuromuscular blocking agents.


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BACKGROUND: Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) can cause anaphylaxis through immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies that bind quaternary ammonium ion epitopes. These epitopes are present in numerous common chemicals and drugs, exposure to which, theoretically, could be of importance in the development and maintenance of the IgE sensitization promoting allergic reactions. Pholcodine is one such drug, which in a recent pilot study was shown to induce a remarkable increase in serum IgE levels in two IgE-sensitized individuals. The present study explores the effect of pholcodine exposure on IgE in a population with previously diagnosed IgE-mediated anaphylaxis towards NMBAs. METHODS: Seventeen patients were randomized to 1 week's exposure with cough syrup containing either pholcodine or guaifenesin. The primary variables serum IgE and IgE antibodies towards pholcodine, morphine and suxamethonium were measured before and 4 and 8 weeks after start of exposure. RESULTS: Patients exposed to pholcodine had a sharp rise in levels of IgE antibodies towards pholcodine, morphine and suxamethonium, the median proportional increases 4 weeks after exposure reaching 39.0, 38.6 and 93.0 times that of the base levels respectively. Median proportional increase of IgE was 19.0. No changes were observed in the guaifenesin group. CONCLUSION: Serum levels of IgE antibodies associated with allergy towards NMBAs increase significantly in sensitized patients after exposure to cough syrup containing pholcodine. Availability of pholcodine should be restricted by medical authorities because of the potential risk of future allergic reactions to muscle relaxants.
机译:背景:神经肌肉阻滞剂(NMBA)可以通过结合季铵离子表位的免疫球蛋白E(IgE)抗体引起过敏反应。这些表位存在于许多常见的化学药品和药物中,从理论上讲,其暴露可能对促进和促进过敏反应的IgE致敏作用的发展和维持具有重要意义。 Pholcodine就是这样一种药物,在最近的一项先导研究中显示,该药物可导致两个IgE致敏个体的血清IgE水平显着增加。本研究探讨了以前接受过IgE介导的对NMBAs过敏反应的人群中,福尔考定暴露对IgE的影响。方法:将17例患者随机分为1周,分别接受含佛古丁或愈创甘油醚的止咳糖浆。在暴露开始前,暴露后4周和8周后,分别测定针对phococodine,吗啡和丁二铵的血清IgE和IgE抗体的主要变量。结果:暴露于福尔可定的患者针对福尔可定,吗啡和丁二铵的IgE抗体水平急剧上升,暴露后4周的中位比例增加,分别达到基础水平的39.0、38.6和93.0倍。 IgE的中位数比例增加为19.0。愈创甘油醚组未见变化。结论:致敏患者暴露于含羟考定的止咳糖浆后,其对NMBA过敏的血清IgE抗体水平显着增加。由于将来可能会对肌肉松弛剂发生过敏反应,因此应由医务当局限制使用可可碱的有效性。



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