首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Lapita Diet and Subsistence Strategies on Watom Island, Papua New Guinea: New Stable Isotope Evidence From Humans and Animals

Lapita Diet and Subsistence Strategies on Watom Island, Papua New Guinea: New Stable Isotope Evidence From Humans and Animals


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Stable isotope ratios (C-13 and N-15) were analyzed from the bone collagen of individuals (n=8) from a Lapita burial ground (ca. 2800-2350 BP) on Watom Island, located off northeast New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago. The aim of this study was to assess the diet and subsistence strategies of humans that lived during the later Lapita period in Near Oceania. To aid in the interpretation of the human diet we analyzed the stable isotope ratios of faunal material from the site (n=27). We also aim to assess methods of animal husbandry at the site over time from an analysis of the stable isotope ratios (C-13 and N-15) of pig bones (n=22) from different temporal periods (Lapita, post-Lapita, and late prehistoric). The protein diet of the humans consisted of marine organisms from the inshore environment and some deep-water species, most likely marine turtle, in addition to higher trophic level terrestrial foods, likely pig and native animals (e.g., fruit bat, Cuscus and bandicoot). Although the sample sizes were small, females (n=4) displayed more variable C-13 and N-15 values compared with males (n=4), which may be associated with the movement of adult females to the island. The stable isotope analysis of the pig bones indicated that there were few differences between the diets of the pigs from the Lapita and post-Lapita layers, suggesting that the method of pig husbandry was similar between these two periods and was likely relatively free-range. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:30-41, 2015. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:从New斯麦位于新不列颠东北的沃托姆岛的拉皮塔墓地(约2800-2350 BP)中的个体(n = 8)的骨胶原分析了稳定的同位素比(C-13和N-15)群岛。这项研究的目的是评估大洋洲附近拉皮塔时期人类的饮食和生存策略。为了帮助解释人类饮食,我们分析了该地点动物材料的稳定同位素比(n = 27)。我们还旨在通过分析不同时间段(拉皮塔河,拉皮塔河后,拉皮塔河,和史前晚期)。人类的蛋白质饮食包括来自近海环境的海洋生物和一些深水物种,最有可能是海龟,以及营养水平较高的陆生食物,可能还有猪和本地动物(例如,蝙蝠,库斯库斯和班迪科) 。尽管样本量很小,但与男性(n = 4)相比,女性(n = 4)显示出更多的C-13和N-15值,这可能与成年女性到岛上的移动有关。对猪骨头的稳定同位素分析表明,来自Lapita和后Lapita层的猪的日粮之间几乎没有差异,这表明这两个时期之间的养猪方法相似,并且可能是相对自由放养的。 2015年Am J Phys Anthropol 157:30-41。(c)2015 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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