
Tackling PTSD in ICU patients and their caregivers.


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Recent studies confirm what many have observed about intensive care: it can be traumatic for patients and their loved ones. In a 2008 systematic review by Davy-dow and colleagues, for instance, 22% of ICU survivors reported clinically significant symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Dying in the hospital, rather than at home, stresses patients and caregivers alike, according to one recent prospective longitudinal study. Wright and colleagues recruited 666 subjects (333 dyads, each comprising a patient with advanced cancer and her or his informal care-giver) between 2002 and 2008, and assessed the quality of the patients' lives and the mental health of the caregivers. Two-thirds of the patients died at home; the rest died in the hospital (8% in an ICU). Compared with patients dying at home, those dying in an ICU had far lower scores on measures of quality of life, physical comfort, and well-being, and their caregivers had both "a heightened risk of developing PTSD" (21% versus 4% of those whose loved one died at home) and debilitating grief (22% versus 5%).
机译:最近的研究证实了许多人对重症监护室的观察:对患者及其亲人可能造成伤害。例如,在2008年由Davy-dow及其同事进行的系统评价中,有22%的ICU幸存者报告了创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的临床症状。根据最近的一项前瞻性纵向研究,在医院而不是在家中死亡会给患者和护理人员带来压力。 Wright及其同事在2002年至2008年期间招募了666名受试者(333名双性病,每人包括一名晚期癌症患者和她或他的非正式护理者),并评估了患者的生活质量和护理者的心理健康。三分之二的患者在家中死亡。其余的在医院死亡(ICU中有8%)。与在家中死亡的患者相比,在重症监护病房中死亡的患者在生活质量,身体舒适度和幸福感方面的得分要低得多,而且他们的护理人员“患PTSD的风险都增加了”(21%对4%那些所爱的人在家里死了的人)和令人悲伤的悲伤(22%对5%)。



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