首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of the neurosciences >Salomon Henschen's short-lived project of an 'Academia Neurologica Internationalis' (1929) for the revival of the International Brain Commission: documents from the Cecile and Oskar Vogt archives.

Salomon Henschen's short-lived project of an 'Academia Neurologica Internationalis' (1929) for the revival of the International Brain Commission: documents from the Cecile and Oskar Vogt archives.

机译:Salomon Henschen的“学术界神经统计学”(1929年)的短期项目为国际脑委员会复兴:来自Cecile和Oskar Vogt档案的文件。

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In 1929, at the age of 82, the Swedish neurologist Salomon Henschen (1847-1930) planned an Academia Neurologica Internationalis. The exchanged letters with Cecile and Oskar Vogt suggest that there was a great number of neuroscientists internationally who approved of the project. However, during three months of preparation, the initial skepticism increased and, although the invitation to the conference had already been printed, it had to be revoked. The endeavors to revive the Brain Commission failed. Two other projects nonetheless did take shape: the founding of one of the largest and most modern brain research institutes in 1931 by the Vogts and the first International Neurological Congress in Berne that same year. For decades, the Brain Commission remained without successors until the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) was founded in 1961.
机译:1929年,瑞典神经科医师Salomon Henschen(1847-1930)计划了一名学术界神经疗法。 与Cecile和Oskar Vogt交换的信件表明,国际批准该项目的国际神经科学家有很多神经科学家。 但是,在三个月的准备期间,最初的怀疑论增加,虽然会议的邀请已经印刷,但必须被撤销。 恢复大脑委员会的努力失败了。 其他两项项目仍然是塑造:1931年由逆戟草和伯尔尼的第一个国际神经科大会建立了最大,最现代化的大脑研究机构之一。 几十年来,直到1961年建立的国际脑研究组织(IBRO)成立之前,大脑委员会仍然没有继承者。



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