首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of the neurosciences >Abe Baker: Visionary and organizational leader of the American Academy of Neurology

Abe Baker: Visionary and organizational leader of the American Academy of Neurology

机译:Abe Baker:美国神经内科学院的有远见和组织领导者

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American neurologist and neuropathologist Abraham Bert (Abe) Baker (1908-1988) was instrumental in founding the American Academy of Neurology and served as a catalyst for the emergence of neurology as a strong, independent medical discipline in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century. Baker served as the first president of the Academy from 1948 to 1951. He was also instrumental in garnering support for the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, which was founded in 1950 and later evolved into the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Baker's leadership was also essential in developing continuing medical education for neurologists at a national level and in garnering federal financial support for neurology training programs.
机译:美国神经科医生和神经病理学家亚伯拉罕伯特(ABE)BERT(1908-1988)在创建美国神经科学院的工具中,并作为催化剂在下半年在美国作为一个强大的独立医学学科的催化剂 二十世纪。 Baker于1948年至1951年担任学院第一席。他还有助于为1950年成立的国家神经学疾病和失明研究所的支持,以后进入国家神经系统疾病和中风研究所。 面包师的领导层对国家一级的持续医学教育以及获得神经学培训计划的持续医学教育方面至关重要。



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