首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of the neurosciences >Mary Jane Hogue (1883-1962): A pioneer in human brain tissue culture

Mary Jane Hogue (1883-1962): A pioneer in human brain tissue culture


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The ability to maintain human brain explants in tissue culture was a critical step in the use of these cells for the study of central nervous system disorders. Ross G. Harrison (1870-1959) was the first to successfully maintain frog medullary tissue in culture in 1907, but it took another 38 years before successful culture of human brain tissue was accomplished. One of the pioneers in this achievement was Mary Jane Hogue (1883-1962). Hogue was born into a Quaker family in 1883 in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and received her undergraduate degree from Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. Research with the developmental biologist Theodor Boveri (1862-1915) in Wurzburg, Germany, resulted in her Ph.D. (1909). Hogue transitioned from studying protozoa to the culture of human brain tissue in the 1940s and 1950s, when she was one of the first to culture cells from human fetal, infant, and adult brain explants. We review Hogue's pioneering contributions to the study of human brain cells in culture, her putative identification of progenitor neuroblast and/or glioblast cells, and her use of the cultures to study the cytopathogenic effects of poliovirus. We also put Hogue's work in perspective by discussing how other women pioneers in tissue culture influenced Hogue and her research.
机译:在组织培养物中维持人脑外植体的能力是使用这些细胞用于研究中枢神经系统疾病的关键步骤。 Ross G. Harrison(1870-1959)是第一个成功在1907年成功维持培养的青蛙髓质组织,但在成功的人类脑组织培养完成之前还需要额外38年。这一成就中的一个先驱者是玛丽简·霍格(1883-1962)。 Hogue于1883年出生于宾夕法尼亚州西切斯特的1883年Quaker家族,并获得了马里兰州巴尔的摩罩学院的大本科学位。与德国武出堡的发展生物学家经纬工具(1862-1915)研究,导致她的博士学位。 (1909)。当她是来自人胎儿,婴儿和成人脑外脑外植物的第一个培养细胞之一,从研究原生动物到20世纪40年代和20世纪50年代的人脑组织培养到人脑组织培养。我们审查了Hogue对培养人体脑细胞研究的开创性贡献,祖先的神经细胞和/或胶质盆细胞的推定鉴定,以及她对培养物的使用来研究Poliovirus的细胞慢性作用。我们还通过讨论组织文化中的其他女性如何影响血清和她的研究,以俯瞰霍格伊的工作。



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