首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of the neurosciences >The eponymous legacy of Sir William Richard Gowers (1845-1915): A revealing letter

The eponymous legacy of Sir William Richard Gowers (1845-1915): A revealing letter


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The eponymous legacy of Sir William Richard Gowers (1845-1915) was the subject of a comprehensive appraisal first written for this journal late last year. Since the completion of that work, a revealing February 1903 letter has come to light recording, amongst other things, Gowers' firsthand and somewhat private opinions concerning some of his own eponymous contributions to medicine. This addendum to the primary author's original article will review and contextualize this very interesting find as it relates to Gowers' eponymous legacy. Gowers' ataxic paraplegia (referred to as Gowers' disease in the letter) and syringal hemorrhage are specially considered, and his broader neological contributions are also briefly addressed. For completion, a number of other previously unnoticed eponyms are added to the already impressive list of medical entities named in Gowers' honor, and a more complete collection of eponyms found in Gowers' Manual are tabulated for consideration.
机译:威廉理查德·佩德尔爵士(1845-1915)的同名遗产是去年年底为本杂志编写的综合评价的主题。 自那项工作完成以来,1903年2月的揭示信已经在录音中,在其他事情中,嫁给了他对医学的一些同名捐款的私人意见。 此编程到主要作者原始文章将审查和上下文化这一非常有趣的发现,因为它与Gowers的同名遗产有关。 Gowers'Ataxic Paraplegia(在字母中称为Gowers病)和陶瓷出血经过特别考虑,他的更广泛的Neaconic贡献也会简要解决。 为了完成,将许多其他以前未被注意的异乎值添加到Gowers荣誉中的已令人印象深刻的医疗实体列表中,并且在Gowers手册中找到了更完整的Egnamms,表明了考虑。



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