首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of the neurosciences >Neurognostics question. Our neurognostic neuroscientist was Walter Moxon.

Neurognostics question. Our neurognostic neuroscientist was Walter Moxon.

机译:神经忽略的问题。 我们的神经诊断神经科学家是沃尔特·莫克森。

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This nineteenth-century practitioner of the "art of physic" was born in Middleton, County Cork, in southern Ireland, 150 miles southwest of Dublin, on June 27, 1836 and died on July 21, 1886. His father took the family to London in order for him to get a good job and for his children to be well educated. This physician was a consummate pedagogue, who had an acute sense of humor and flourished as a professor of medicine. His was the practice of mid-nineteenth neurology, both theoretical and clinical. He published his thoughts on medicine, medical schools, and the training of physicians under the sad, prophetic, and ironic pseudonym of "pilocereus senilis," described as advanced far in years or life.
机译:该十九世纪的“物理艺术”的从业者出生于米德尔顿,科克郡,在南爱尔兰,1836年6月27日,1886年6月27日,于1886年7月21日去世。他的父亲带着家人去伦敦 为了让他做好工作和孩子受过良好教育。 这个医生是一个完善的教育学,他对医学教授造成严重的幽默感。 他是十九年中神经学中期的实践,都是理论和临床。 他发表了对医学,医学院和医生培训的思考,并在悲伤,预言和思考的讽刺和讽刺,“Pilocereus Senilis”的培训中被描述为多年或生命的高级。



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