首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the history of the neurosciences >The founding of neurology as a specialty: The American situation in context

The founding of neurology as a specialty: The American situation in context


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With few exceptions, neurology in Europe as well as in the United States emerged from internal medicine and psychiatry, and neurology and psychiatry in particular have long remained connected in clinical practice and teaching. When the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN, 1934) and the American Academy of Neurology (AAN, 1948) were founded, the emancipation of neurology as an independent specialty was still evolving. During the First International Neurological Congress (Berne, Switzerland, in September 1931), a special conference was organized on the Relation of Neurology to General Medicine and Psychiatry in Universities and Hospitals of the Various Countries, at which representatives from several countries described the situation in their countries. Their statements were made around the time of the founding of the ABPN and not long before that of the AAN. They show that neurology in most countries was still struggling to become independent and only in a few cities flowered as an independent specialty. In the second part of this article, specialist regulation (training, examination, and certification) in European countries (Germany, France, England, and The Netherlands) will be compared to that of the ABPN. It appears that Germany was among the early countries where this occurred, following the Bremen Arztetag (physicians day) in 1924. Comparable to the American situation, it was professionally controlled, in contrast to the French state certification, which occurred later. The British specialist regulation was much later and more complicated.



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