首页> 外文期刊>American journal of dentistry >Breath malodor reduction with use of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice: A meta-analysis of four randomized and controlled clinical trials

Breath malodor reduction with use of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice: A meta-analysis of four randomized and controlled clinical trials


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Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of a novel stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice in reducing malodor-causing volatile sulfur compound (VSC) levels versus a standard marketed fluoride (negative control) anti-caries dentifrice using pooled data from independent clinical trials. Methods: Four randomized and controlled, evaluator-blinded, 3- or 4-period, 2-treatment crossover clinical studies were conducted at four separate centers in Asia and the United States in subjects with a baseline VSC score of > 100 ppb. Following a week-long acclimation period, subjects were randomly assigned to a treatment sequence specifying the order of use of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice and a negative control dentifrice (Crest Cavity Protection). VSC levels were assessed at four time points using a Halimeter during each treatment period: (1) baseline prior to treatment; (2) 3-4 hours after baseline and a single brushing; (3) 24 hours post-baseline and after two total brushings ("overnight'V'morning breath"); and (4) 27-28 hours post-baseline following three total product uses. Brushing instructions were standardized and required two minutes of timed toothbrushing with the assigned dentifrice. Washout periods of at least 2 days separated the treatment periods. Results: A total of 100 subjects were included in the meta-analysis. The stannous-containing dentifrice showed statistically significantly greater breath benefits via VSC reduction compared to the negative control dentifrice (P< 0.047) at all three time points. The stannous-containing dentifrice provided increasingly greater superior relative breath protection benefits of 7.7% at Hour 3-4 post-baseline, 10.6% after 24 hours ("overnight'V'morning breath"), and 24.5% at Hour 27-28. Similar malodor reduction benefits in favor of the stannous-containing dentifrice relative to the negative control were observed for each individual study.
机译:目的:利用独立临床试验的汇总数据,确定一种新型的含亚锡氟化钠洁牙剂与标准市售氟化物(阴性对照)抗龋齿洁牙剂相比,能降低引起恶臭的挥发性硫化物(VSC)水平的有效性。方法:在亚洲和美国的四个独立中心对基线VSC评分> 100 ppb的受试者进行了四项随机和对照,评估者盲,3或4周期,2治疗交叉临床研究。在一周的适应期后,将受试者随机分配至一个治疗顺序,该顺序指定了含亚锡的氟化钠洁牙剂和阴性对照洁牙剂的使用顺序(佳洁士口腔保护)。在每个治疗期间内,使用Halimeter在四个时间点评估VSC水平:(1)治疗前基线; (2)基线后3-4小时并单次刷牙; (3)基线后24小时,并进行两次总刷牙(“过夜'V'早晨呼吸”); (4)基准后27-28小时,总共使用了三种产品。刷牙说明已标准化,需要使用指定的洁齿剂两分钟定时刷牙。至少2天的冲洗期将治疗期分开。结果:荟萃分析共纳入100名受试者。与阴性对照洁牙剂相比,在所有三个时间点,含亚锡洁齿剂均通过VSC降低显示出统计学上显着更大的呼吸益处(P <0.047)。含亚锡的洁齿剂在基准后第3-4小时提供了越来越高的优越的相对呼吸保护效果,分别为7.7%,24小时后为10.6%(“隔夜”早上呼吸)和27-28小时为24.5%。在每个单独的研究中,相对于阴性对照,都发现了类似的减少含恶臭味的有益于含亚锡洁牙剂的好处。



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