首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rural Studies >The 'desk-chair countryside': Affect, authenticity and the rural idyll in a farming computer game

The 'desk-chair countryside': Affect, authenticity and the rural idyll in a farming computer game


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Agricultural computer games engage millions of players world-wide in farming practices. This paper investigates how farm-based computer and video games act as sites of cultural production. I utilise a case study of Stardew Valley to assess how notions of idyllic rurality are staged, encountered and reworked both by and for the 'desk-chair countryside': people who engage in rural activities on their computers. Computer gameplay is a distinctive form of rural engagement, requiring active decision-making and performance of farming activities, immersing players in novel rural worlds through complex configurations of computer equipment and virtual world avatars. Drawing on non-representational thinking, and concepts from the 'experience economy', the paper focuses on how tropes of idyllic rurality are mobilised and challenged through the affective responses elicited in gameplay. I argue that imaginaries of peaceful farm life and happy (pet) livestock are reinforced through affective encounters that appeal to 'referential authenticity' (nostalgia) and 'influential authenticity' (the higher calling of caring for animals). In contrast, community interactions appeal to 'natural authenticity', progressively revealing human in-game characters as they 'really are' (flawed individuals dealing with life issues ranging from paternity to post-traumatic stress), utilising 'influential authenticity' to call players to support their neighbours. This integration of affective encounter with natural and influential authenticity enables the critical reworking of rural imaginaries to form what I term 'authentic idylls'. I conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and methodological op-portunities of computer-mediated virtual ruralities in rural studies research.
机译:农业计算机游戏在农业实践中占据全球数百万球员。本文调查了农业基础的计算机和视频游戏如何作为文化生产的网站。我利用Stardew Valley的案例研究来评估田园诗般的风格概念的概念,遇到和为“桌椅乡村”遇到和重新加工:从事农村活动的人。计算机游戏是一种独特的农村参与形式,需要积极的决策和养殖活动,通过复杂的计算机设备和虚拟世界头像的复杂配置沉浸在新的农村世界中的球员。论“经济经济”的非代表性思维和概念,侧重于田园诗般的风格的世界如何通过游戏机中引发的情感反应来动员和挑战。我认为,通过情感遇到的情感遭遇加强了宁静的农场生命和快乐(宠物)牲畜的富翁,这对'指称真实性'(怀旧)和“有影响力的真实性”(对动物的关心呼吁)呼吁。相比之下,社区互动上诉“自然真实性”,逐步揭示人类的游戏人物,因为它们“真正是”(涉及生命问题的有缺陷的个人,从陪态恋到后创伤后的压力),利用“有影响力的真实性”来称呼球员支持他们的邻居。这种具有自然和有影响力的真实性的情感遭遇的整合使得农村富翁的批判性重新加工,以形成我术语“真实的田园诗”。我讨论了农村研究研究中计算机介导的虚拟农境的理论和方法论单位的理论和方法。



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