首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rural Studies >Relevance of local knowledge in decision-making and rural innovation: A methodological proposal for leveraging participation of Colombian cocoa producers

Relevance of local knowledge in decision-making and rural innovation: A methodological proposal for leveraging participation of Colombian cocoa producers


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The local knowledge is constituted in the basis for decision-making and is an important part of the livelihood of rural families. Knowledge of cocoa crop management practices takes an essential role in the producers' resilience capacity to face and adapt to changing environments in the productive, social and environmental level. It was carried out a study in the Macarena-Guaviare region, Colombia to evaluate the level of knowledge of cocoa producers, to analyze how this knowledge is affected by familiar, organizational or productive variables, and to determine the formation needs. To determine the level of knowledge, it was proposed a methodology called "Cacota test" which was applied and validated by cocoa producers (n = 189). It was evaluated the knowledge about the links (a. Crop design, b. Clones, c. Soil fertility, d. Pruning, e. Pests and diseases management, f. Good agricultural practices, g. Harvest, h. Post-harvest, i. Transformation, j. Marketing, k. Associativity, l. Institutionality). By means of a cluster analysis, producers were typified according to their level of knowledge and it was made a principal component analysis (PCA) to visualize the relation between the links and types of producers. It was elaborated a Cocoa Knowledge Index (CKI) and the links with greater and lesser strength regarding management level were identified. Also, the variables which influence the CKI were identified using a linear regression model. Positive correlations were found between the links: a. Clones and Soil fertility, b. Pruning and good agricultural practices, c. Pruning and pests and diseases management. The typologies were affected by the level of education, level of associativity and cultivated area. The local knowledge was not significantly related to age and gender. The proposed methodology made possible to determine the level of local knowledge of cocoa crop management practices. The institutions or people responsible for the formation of cocoa producers in the Macarena-Guaviare region should focus on crop design, clones, soil fertility, harvest, post-harvest and transformation links.
机译:本地知识基于决策,是农村家庭生计的重要组成部分。知识在生产者的抵御能力方面对面对的能力作出重要作用,适应了生产性,社会和环境水平的不断变化的环境。它是在哥伦比亚MacArena-Guaviare地区进行的一项研究,以评估可可生产者的知识水平,分析如何受到熟悉,组织或生产变量的影响,并确定形成需求。为了确定知识水平,提出了一种称为“Cacota测试”的方法,该方法被Cocoa生产者施用和验证(n = 189)。评估了关于链接的知识(a。裁剪设计,克隆,c。土壤肥力,d。修剪,e。害虫和疾病管理,f。良好的农业实践,g。收获,h。收获,h。收获,h。收获后收获,一世。转型,j。营销,k。缔社,l。机构)。通过集群分析,生产商根据他们的知识水平键入,并且它是一个主要成分分析(PCA),以可视化生产者的链接和类型之间的关系。它被阐述了可可知识指数(CKI),并确定了有关管理水平的更大和更低强度的链接。此外,使用线性回归模型识别影响CKI的变量。在链接之间发现正相关:a。克隆和土壤肥力,b。修剪和良好的农业实践,c。修剪和害虫和疾病管理。该类型受到教育水平,联合趋势和耕种区域的影响。当地知识与年龄和性别无关。所提出的方法可以确定可可裁剪管理实践的本地知识水平。负责在Macarena-Guaviare地区形成可可制造商的机构或人员应专注于作物设计,克隆,土壤肥力,收获,收获后和转化环节。



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