首页> 外文期刊>Journal of public health >Association of sleep problems and sleep duration with self-rated health and grip strength among older adults in India and China: results from the study on global aging and adult health (SAGE)

Association of sleep problems and sleep duration with self-rated health and grip strength among older adults in India and China: results from the study on global aging and adult health (SAGE)


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Background Sleep is an important predictor of health and quality of life. This study examined the association between sleep problems and sleep duration with self-rated poor health and grip strength among respondents aged 50?years and above in India and China. Methods: The data for this study were derived from the first wave of WHO’s Study on Global Aging and Adult Health (SAGE), a nationally representative panel survey conducted in six LMICs. Grip strength and poor self-rated health were the main outcome variables, while sleep problems and sleep duration were the main predictors. Multivariate logistic regression models and ordinary least squares regression models were used to understand the association between sleep problems and sleep duration with poor self-rated health and grip strength. Results Sleep problems and sleep duration were strongly and significantly associated with poor self-rated health and grip strength in India and China. Compared to older adults with no sleep problems, the odds ratio for poor self-rated health among older adults with sleep problems was 4.86 (95% CI?=?4.12, 5.73, p ?
机译:背景睡眠是健康和生活质量的重要预测因素。本研究审查了睡眠问题与睡眠期间的关联,在印度和中国等50岁及以上的受访者之间的自我评价差和握持力量。方法:该研究的数据来自于六种LMIC中进行的全国代表小组调查,源自谁对全球老龄化和成人健康(SAGE)研究的第一波。握力和差的自我评价的健康是主要的结果变量,而睡眠问题和睡眠持续时间是主要的预测因子。多变量逻辑回归模型和普通的最小二乘回归模型用于了解睡眠问题与睡眠持续时间之间的关联,自额定健康和握力差。结果睡眠问题和睡眠持续时间非常明显,印度和中国的自我额定健康和握力差。与睡眠问题没有睡眠问题的老年人相比,睡眠问题的老年人自评患者差的差距为4.86(95%CI?=?4.12,5.73,P?<?0.01)和5.06(95%CI? =?3.93,6.51,p?<?0.01)分别适用于印度和中国。在印度和中国的睡眠中患者≤6或10+的老年人,报告健康状况不佳的可能性更高。在较长的睡眠持续时间和握力之间仅在中国(β= ?? 1.19,95%CI?= ?? 1.78,?0.60,P?<0.01)之间存在消极和重要的关联。结论我们观察到睡眠问题与睡眠持续时间之间的重大关联,自额定健康和握力差。结果表明,睡眠问题是确定低收入和中等收入国家老年人健康的重要因素。



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