首页> 外文期刊>Journal of occupational and environmental medicine >The Pre-Registry Commercial Driver Medical Examination Screening Sensitivity and Certification Lengths for Two Safety-Related Medical Conditions

The Pre-Registry Commercial Driver Medical Examination Screening Sensitivity and Certification Lengths for Two Safety-Related Medical Conditions


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Objective: Use independent diagnostic data to analyze the screening effectiveness of the pre-Registry commercial driver medical examination (CDME) for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and its sensitivity for hypertension; analyze certification lengths where relevant. Methods: CDME screening results for 1668 drivers were compared to polysomnogram diagnostic test results, and CDME screening results were evaluated for 1155 drivers with at least one insurance claim with a hypertension diagnostic code. Any CDME documentation of the medical condition was considered as detection by screening. Results: CDME sensitivity was 20.7% for moderate OSA (AHI >= 15). While sensitivity was 77.5% for hypertension, 93.3% of drivers with Stage 3 hypertension were certified, contrary to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration standards. Conclusions: The pre-Registry CDME was ineffective in screening commercial drivers for OSA. Screening was better for hypertension; incorrect certifications were given to many hypertensive drivers.
机译:目的:使用独立诊断数据来分析预注册管理休眠呼吸暂停(OSA)的预登记商业驾驶员体检(CDME)的筛选效果及其对高血压的敏感性;分析相关的认证长度。方法:将CDME筛选为1668例司机的筛选结果与多肌瘤诊断测试结果进行比较,并评估CDME筛查结果,为1155名司机评估了至少一个带有高血压诊断规范的保险索赔。任何CDME文档都被筛选被视为检测。结果:中等OSA(AHI> = 15)的CDME敏感性为20.7%。虽然高血压的敏感性为77.5%,但93.3%的司机具有阶段的3阶段高血压,与联邦汽车承运人安全管理标准相反。结论:预注册表CDME在筛选OSA的商业司机方面无效。筛选更好的高血压;许多高血压司机的认证不正确。



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