
On Dirac and Pauli Operators


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A unified description of the Dirac and Pauli operators based on the De Broglie principle is given. It includes descriptions of spinor modules as submodules in differential forms and the h-adic filtrations of these modules. A one-to-one correspondence between decomposable differential 2-forms of unit length and spinor modules is obtained. The Dirac-type operator is defined. It slightly differs from the Dirac operator at the one point only: its domain is the h-adic filtrations of the module of differential forms itself. It is shown that the restrictions of the Dirac-type operator to the h-adic filtrations of some spinor module is the Dirac operator if and only if the 2-form is a special solution of the Maxwell equations. The transfer operator for the Dirac operator is interpreted as an analog of the Pauli operator. A similar description of the Dirac and Pauli operators aching on vectorvalued fields is considered.
机译:给出了基于De Broglie原理的Dirac和Pauli算子的统一描述。它描述了作为不同形式子模块的Spinor模块以及这些模块的h-adic过滤。获得单位长度的可分解差分2形式与Spinor模块之间的一一对应关系。定义了Dirac类型的运算符。它仅在一点上与Dirac算符略有不同:它的域是微分形式模块本身的h-adic过滤。结果表明,当且仅当2形式是麦克斯韦方程组的特殊解时,狄拉克型算子对某些旋量模的h-adic过滤的限制才是狄拉克算子。 Dirac运算符的传递运算符被解释为Pauli运算符的类似物。考虑了在矢量值字段上疼痛的Dirac和Pauli运算符的类似描述。



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