首页> 外文期刊>Acta Applicandae Mathematicae: An International Journal on Applying Mathematics and Mathematical Applications >Cayley-Dickson Procedure, Relativistic Wave Equations and Supersymmetric Oscillators

Cayley-Dickson Procedure, Relativistic Wave Equations and Supersymmetric Oscillators


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The relativistic first-order wave equations for massive particles with spin 0, 1, 1/2 are formulated in terms of a factorization of the Klein-Fock equation by means of the algebra of octonions. An analogous method applied to Hamiltonian of the quantum isotropic oscillator leads to the natural generalization of the model. The class of supersymmetric oscillators with dimensions N ≤ 7 associated with te algebras of the Cayley-Dickson series is introduced.
机译:对于自旋为0、1、1 / 2的大质量粒子,相对论的一阶波动方程是通过正八次子的代数对Klein-Fock方程进行因式分解而得出的。应用于量子各向同性振荡器的哈密顿量的类似方法导致模型的自然概括。介绍了与Cayley-Dickson级数的代数相关的,尺寸为N≤7的超对称振荡器的类别。



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