首页> 外文期刊>Journal of minimally invasive gynecology >The Fenix System for Fecal Incontinence: An Overview and Surgical Demonstration

The Fenix System for Fecal Incontinence: An Overview and Surgical Demonstration


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Abstract Study Objective This video shows a new technique for the surgical management of fecal incontinence using the Fenix Continence Restoration System (TORAX Medical Inc, Shoreview, MN) in 2 patients. Design A step-by-step explanation of the video using videos and pictures (educational video) for surgeons (Canadian Task Force classification III). Setting The use of the Fenix System received United States Food and Drug Administration approval under a humanitarian device exemption and can be used with institutional review board approval in patients who have failed previous medical and surgical management of fecal incontinence. The device is a small, flexible band of interlinked titanium, magnetic beads on a titanium string that is placed using a perineal approach around the anal canal. Increased intra-abdominal pressure opens the beads to allow for the passage of stool. Interventions Placement of the device was performed in 2 patients. Case 1 is a 63-year-old woman with a long-standing history of fecal incontinence who failed sphincteroplasty, sacral neuromodulation, and an artificial sphincter cuff and pump. Case 2 is a 60-year-old woman with a long-standing history of fecal incontinence secondary to radiation therapy for rectal cancer who failed physical therapy and sacral neuromodulation. Conclusion Both Fenix Continence Restoration Systems were placed successfully. Long-term postoperative effectiveness is currently being evaluated. ]]>
机译:摘要研究目的这段视频显示了使用Fenix欧洲恢复系统(Torax Medical Inc,Shoreview,Mn)在2例患者中进行粪便冲突的手术管理新技术。使用用于外科医生的视频和图片(教育视频)来设计对视频的逐步说明(加拿大特遣部队分类III)。设定使用Fenix系统获得美国食品和药物管理局在人道主义文件豁免下批准,并且可以与患有先前医疗和外科尿失禁的手术管理失败的患者的机构审查委员会批准。该装置是一个小,柔性的相互关联的钛,磁珠上的钛串,其在肛管周围使用的阴部方法放置。腹内压力增加,打开珠子以允许粪便通过。干预措施在2例患者中进行了装置。案例1是一名63岁的女性,具有长期疾病的粪便尿失禁史,他失败了晶体成形术,骶神经调节和人造括约肌袖口和泵。案例2是一名60岁的女性,患有粪便尿失禁的长期历史,其继发于物理治疗和骶神经调节的直肠癌。结论成功均为Fenix欧洲恢复系统。目前正在评估长期术后有效性。 ]]>



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