首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neuro-oncology. >Development of the pediatric quality of life inventory neurofibromatosis type 1 module items for children, adolescents and young adults: qualitative methods

Development of the pediatric quality of life inventory neurofibromatosis type 1 module items for children, adolescents and young adults: qualitative methods


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Health-related quality of life ( HRQOL) is arguably one of the most important measures in evaluating effectiveness of clinical treatments. At present, there is no disease-specific outcome measure to assess the HRQOL of children, adolescents and young adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 ( NF1). This study aimed to develop the items and support the content validity for the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory(TM) ( PedsQL(TM)) NF1 Module for children, adolescents and young adults. The iterative process included multiphase qualitative methods including a literature review, survey of expert opinions, semi-structured interviews, cognitive interviews and pilot testing. Fifteen domains were derived from the qualitative methods, with content saturation achieved, resulting in 115 items. The domains include skin, pain, pain impact, pain management, cognitive functioning, speech, fine motor, balance, vision, perceived physical appearance, communication, worry, treatment, medicines and gastrointestinal symptoms. This study is limited because all participants are recruited from a single-site. Qualitative methods support the content validity for the PedsQL(TM) NF1 Module for children, adolescents and young adults. The PedsQL(TM) NF1 Module is now undergoing national multisite field testing for the psychometric validation of the instrument development.
机译:与健康相关的生活质量(HRQOL)可以说是评估临床治疗效果的最重要措施之一。目前,没有疾病特异性的结果措施,以评估具有神经纤维菊属植物病1(NF1)的儿童,青少年和年轻成人的HRQOL。本研究旨在开发这些项目,支持儿童,青少年和年轻成人的生活库存(TM)的儿科质量(PEDSQL(TM)的内容有效性。迭代过程包括多相定性方法,包括文献综述,专家意见调查,半结构性访谈,认知访谈和试点测试。十五个域来自定性方法,内容饱和度,导致115个项目。该领域包括皮肤,疼痛,疼痛影响,疼痛管理,认知功能,语音,精细电机,平衡,视觉,感知的外观,沟通,忧虑,治疗,药物和胃肠道症状。这项研究有限,因为所有参与者都是从一个网站招募的。定性方法支持儿童,青少年和年轻成人的PedsQL(TM)NF1模块的内容有效性。 PEDSQL(TM)NF1模块现已正在进行国家多路现场测试,以实现仪器开发的心理验证。



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