首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Microbiological Methods >Comparison of two bioinformatics tools used to characterize the microbial diversity and predictive functional attributes of microbial mats from Lake Obersee, Antarctica

Comparison of two bioinformatics tools used to characterize the microbial diversity and predictive functional attributes of microbial mats from Lake Obersee, Antarctica


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In this study, using NextGen sequencing of the collective 16S rRNA genes obtained from two sets of samples collected from Lake Obersee, Antarctica, we compared and contrasted two bioinformatics tools, PICRUSt and Tax4Fun. We then developed an R script to assess the taxonomic and predictive functional profiles of the microbial communities within the samples. Taxa such as Pseudoxanthomonas, Planctomycetaceae, Cyanobacteria Subsection III, Nitrosomonadaceae, Leptothrix, and Rhodobacter were exclusively identified by Tax4Fun that uses SILVA database; whereas PICRUSt that uses Greengenes database uniquely identified Pirellulaceae, Gemmatimonadetes A1-B1, Pseudanabaena, Salinibacterium and Sinobacteraceae. Predictive functional profiling of the microbial communities using Tax4Fun and PICRUSt separately revealed common metabolic capabilities, while also showing specific functional IDs not shared between the two approaches. Combining these functional predictions using a customized R script revealed a more inclusive metabolic profile, such as hydrolases, oxidoreductases, transferases; enzymes involved in carbohydrate and amino acid metabolisms; and membrane transport proteins known for nutrient uptake from the surrounding environment. Our results present the first molecular-phylogenetic characterization and predictive functional profiles of the microbial mat communities in Lake Obersee, while demonstrating the efficacy of combining both the taxonomic assignment information and functional IDs using the R script created in this study for a more streamlined evaluation of predictive functional profiles of microbial communities.
机译:在本研究中,使用从南极洲湖奥德里卡湖收集的两套样品中获得的集体16S rRNA基因的rRNA基因进行比较和对比两种生物信息学工具,Picrust和Tax4fun。然后,我们开发了一个R脚本,以评估样品内微生物群落的分类和预测功能谱。 Pseudoxanthomonas,Planctomycetaceae,Cyanobacteria第III,亚硝基昔昔核糖膜,鳞叶菌和乳杆菌等分类群由使用Silva数据库的税务4Fun专门确定;虽然使用Greengenes数据库的Picrust唯一鉴定的吡塞氏菌,GemmatimonaDetes A1-B1,Pseudanabaa,Salinibacterium和Sinobacteraceae。使用税收4Fun和Picrust的微生物社区的预测功能分析分别揭示了常见的代谢能力,同时还显示了两种方法之间不共享的特定功能ID。使用定制的R脚本组合这些功能预测显示了更包含的更包容性代谢型材,例如水解酶,氧化还原酶,转移酶;参与碳水化合物和氨基酸代谢的酶;和周围环境中已知营养吸收的膜转运蛋白。我们的研究结果介绍了霍德纳湖中微生物席社区的第一个分子发育表征和预测功能谱,同时使用本研究中创建的R脚本来展示与分类分配信息和功能ID相结合的功效,以获得更简化的评估微生物社区的预测功能谱。



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