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Evaluation of patients presenting with knee pain: Part I. History, physical examination, radiographs, and laboratory tests.


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Family physicians frequently encounter patients with knee pain. Accurate diagnosis requires a knowledge of knee anatomy, common pain patterns in knee injuries, and features of frequently encountered causes of knee pain, as well as specific physical examination skills. The history should include characteristics of the patient's pain, mechanical symptoms (locking, popping, giving way), joint effusion (timing, amount, recurrence), and mechanism of injury. The physical examination should include careful inspection of the knee, palpation for point tenderness, assessment of joint effusion, range-of-motion testing, evaluation of ligaments for injury or laxity, and assessment of the menisci. Radiographs should be obtained in patients with isolated patellar tenderness or tenderness at the head of the fibula, inability to bear weight or flex the knee to 90 degrees, or age greater than 55 years.
机译:家庭医生经常遇到膝盖疼痛的患者。准确的诊断需要了解膝盖的解剖结构,膝盖受伤时常见的疼痛模式,常见的膝盖疼痛原因特征以及特定的体格检查技能。病史应包括患者疼痛,机械症状(锁定,弹出,让步),关节积液(时间,数量,复发)和损伤机制的特征。体格检查应包括仔细检查膝盖,触诊点压痛,评估关节积液,运动范围测试,评估韧带是否受伤或松弛以及半月板评估。 isolated骨压痛或腓骨头部压痛,无法承受重量或无法将膝盖屈曲至90度或年龄大于55岁的患者应获得X线照片。



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