首页> 外文期刊>Journal of mathematical imaging and vision >Efficiently Testing Digital Convexity and Recognizing Digital Convex Polygons

Efficiently Testing Digital Convexity and Recognizing Digital Convex Polygons


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A set S subset of Z(2) of integer points is digital convex if conv(S) boolean AND Z(2) = S, where conv(S) denotes the convex hull of S. In this paper, we consider the following two problems. The first one is to test whether a given set S of n lattice points is digital convex. If the answer to the first problem is positive, then the second problem is to find a polygon P subset of Z(2) with minimum number of edges and whose intersection with the lattice P boolean AND Z(2) is exactly S. We provide linear-time algorithms for these two problems. The algorithm is based on the well-known quickhull algorithm. The time to solve both problems is O(n + h log r) = O(n + n(1/3) log r), where h = min(vertical bar conv(S)vertical bar, n(1/3)) and r is the diameter of S.
机译:Integer点的z(2)的集合S子集是数字凸面,如果conv(s)布尔和z(2)= s,其中conv(s)表示S的凸壳。在本文中,我们认为以下两个 问题。 第一个是测试N个格点的给定组S是否是数字凸起的。 如果第一个问题的答案是肯定的,那么第二个问题是找到具有最小数量的边缘的z(2)的多边形P子集,并且与晶格P Boolean和z(2)的交叉确切地说是我们提供的。我们提供 这两个问题的线性时间算法。 该算法基于众所周知的QuickHull算法。 解决这两个问题的时间是O(n + h log r)= o(n + n(1/3)log r),其中H = min(垂直条CUNC(S)垂直条,N(1/3) )和r是S.的直径。



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