首页> 外文期刊>Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry. >Success rates of different management techniques for impacted mandibular canines and associated complications in children and adolescents

Success rates of different management techniques for impacted mandibular canines and associated complications in children and adolescents


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Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the success rate of various treatment modalities and complications associated with the occurrence and treatment of impacted mandibular permanent canines. Methods: Seventy-four southern Chinese children and adolescents who received treatment for impacted mandibular canines over a 27-year period were included in the analysis. Treatment modalities and complications that had been recorded in the clinical and surgical notes and that could be diagnosed from the available radiographs were noted. Results: The most commonly-performed treatment for the correction of an impacted mandibular canine was surgical removal of the impacted tooth (n = 59). In cases where surgical exposure of the impacted canine followed by bonding an attachment was performed (n = 7), the average time required for the canine to erupt postoperatively through the soft tissue was 12.2 months (±10.2 months). Lack of movement of the tooth after traction was the only complication reported in these patients (n = 3). The most frequently-reported postoperative sequela observed for all treatment modalities was swelling of the soft tissues around the surgical site (n = 6), and this was persistent even after 48 h. Conclusions: The success rate after surgical intervention and orthodontic traction was 57.1%.
机译:目的:目前研究的目的是调查各种治疗方式的成功率和与受影响的下颌常规犬的发生和治疗相关的各种治疗方式和并发症。方法:在分析中纳入了27年期间接受了27年期间接受受影响的下颌犬治疗的七十四名南方儿童和青少年。注意到临床和外科手术室中已记录的治疗方式和并发症,并且可以从可用的射线照片中诊断出来。结果:对抗冲击下颌犬的校正的最常见进行的治疗是手术去除抗冲击牙齿(n = 59)。在进行受冲击的犬的外科暴露的情况下进行(n = 7),犬术后通过软组织爆发的平均时间为12.2个月(±10.2个月)。牵引后牙齿缺乏运动是这些患者报告的唯一并发症(n = 3)。为所有治疗方式观察到的最常见的术后后遗症是外科部位(n = 6)周围的软组织肿胀,即使在48小时后也持续存在。结论:手术干预和正畸牵引后的成功率为57.1%。



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