首页> 外文期刊>American journal of animal and veterinary sciences >Do Cows Under Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) Attempt to Self-Medicate?

Do Cows Under Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) Attempt to Self-Medicate?


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The objective of this study was to examine feed-sorting behavior of dairy cows in response to a grain challenge that leads to Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA). Sixteen multiparous, rumen-cannulated lactating Holstein cows were used. During the first 49 days of the experiment, all cows received a High-Forage diet (HF; 77:23, F: C; NFC=35). Cows were then transitioned to a High-Grain (HG; 50:50, F: C; NFC=48) diet on days 50 and 51 and remained on the HG until day 72. Feed intake was recorded daily. Particle size distribution of feed and orts were analyzed using the Penn State Particle Separator (PSPS) on days 36 (HF) and 71 (HG). The extent of feed-sorting was evaluated by calculating sorting indices for each PSPS dietary fraction for each given diet. A sorting index of a given fraction of the PSPS was calculated as the actual DMI expressed as a percentage of the predicted DMI of that fraction. Ruminal pH was recorded continuously every minute using an indwelling system on days 36 (HF), 50, 51 (onset of SARA) and day 71 (chronic SARA). Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed of SAS with day as a fixed effect and accounting for repeated measurement. Orthogonal contrasts were utilized to compare days. Ruminal pH on day 36 (16±46 min/d <5.6) indicated healthy rumen conditions. Ruminal pH recorded on days 51 and 71 (551±46 min/d <5.6 and 246±46 min/d <5.6, respectively) indicated an established SARA. Sorting assessment on day 36 showed that cows while on HF diet sorted against large particles (>19 mm,p<0.05) and concurrently sorted for the short and fine particles (<8 mm, p<0.05). Under SARA (HG), the cows showed an altered preference by sorting for (p<0.05) long particles and against (p<0.05) the short and fine particles. The results suggested thatcows undergoing SARA may alter their feed-sorting behavior, likely in an attempt to self-medicate their condition, by selecting long particles and avoiding short and fine particles.
机译:这项研究的目的是要检查奶牛的饲料分选行为,以应对导致亚急性瘤胃酸中毒(SARA)的谷物挑战。使用了十六只经瘤胃插塞的荷斯坦奶牛。在实验的前49天中,所有母牛均接受高饲草饲料(HF; 77:23,F:C; NFC = 35)。然后,在第50天和第51天,将母牛转换为高谷物(HG; 50:50,F:C; NFC = 48)饮食,并保持HG饮食直到72天。每天记录采食量。在第36天(HF)和第71天(HG)使用Penn状态颗粒分离器(PSPS)分析了饲料和矿石的粒度分布。通过计算每种给定饮食的每种PSPS饮食级分的分类指数来评估饲料分类的程度。计算给定分数的PSPS的分类指数,以实际DMI表示为该分数的预测DMI的百分比。在第36天(HF),第50天,第51天(SARA发作)和第71天(慢性SARA),使用留置系统每分钟连续记录瘤胃pH。使用SAS的Proc Mixed将数据分析为固定效果,并以天为单位进行重复测量。使用正交对比来比较天数。第36天的瘤胃pH值(16±46 min / d <5.6)表明瘤胃状况良好。在第51天和第71天记录的瘤胃pH值(分别为551±46 min / d <5.6和246±46 min / d <5.6)表明已建立SARA。在第36天的分选评估显示,在HF饮食下,母牛针对大颗粒(> 19 mm,p <0.05)进行分选,同时对短粒和细颗粒(<8 mm,p <0.05)进行分选。在SARA(HG)下,奶牛通过选择(p <0.05)长颗粒和(p <0.05)短颗粒和细颗粒分类,显示出偏好的改变。结果表明,经历SARA的母牛可能会通过选择长粒而避免短粒和细粒来改变其饲料分选行为,可能是为了自我适应其状况。



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