首页> 外文期刊>American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias >Clinical and functional assessment of dysautonomia and its correlation in Alzheimer's disease

Clinical and functional assessment of dysautonomia and its correlation in Alzheimer's disease


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The aims were to assess dysautonomia in Alzheimer's Disease (AD), clinically and electrophysiologically, using sympathetic skin response (SSR) test and R-R interval variation (RRIV) test and to analyze the relationship between symptoms of dysautonomia and SSR/RRIV results. A tota of 54 patients with AD and 37 controls were evaluated using Autonomic Symptoms Questionnaire and SSR/RRIV test. Clinical dysautonomia was observed in 66% of patients (eg, orthostatic hypotension in 34.5%, constipation in 17.2%, urinary incontinence in 13.8%). The SSR test was abnormal in 26%, but the RRIV test was abnormal in 97.7% of cases; there was significant difference in RRIV test results between AD and controls (R mean 8.05% and 14.6%, respectively). In AD, clinical dysautonomia occurs at a various degree, and the abnormal SSR and RRIV test results were not always related to the presence of clinical dysautonomia; this observation points that the tests could be used as a useful tool in the assessment of subclinical dysautonomia.
机译:目的是使用交感皮肤反应(SSR)测试和R-R间隔变异(RRIV)测试在临床和电生理学方面评估阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)的自主神经功能障碍,并分析自主神经症状与SSR / RRIV结果之间的关系。使用自主神经症状问卷和SSR / RRIV测试评估了54位AD患者和37位对照患者的总和。 66%的患者出现临床自主神经异常(例如,体位性低血压占34.5%,便秘占17.2%,尿失禁占13.8%)。 SSR测试异常率为26%,而RRIV测试异常率为97.7%; AD和对照组之间的RRIV测试结果存在显着差异(R平均值分别为8.05%和14.6%)。在AD中,临床自主神经有不同程度的发生,SSR和RRIV检测结果异常并不总是与临床自主神经的存在有关。该观察结果表明,这些测试可以用作评估亚临床自主神经功能障碍的有用工具。



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