首页> 外文期刊>American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias >Living With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer Patients Increases the Caregiver's Burden at 6 Months

Living With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer Patients Increases the Caregiver's Burden at 6 Months


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The objective of our study was to demonstrate that living with a person affected by mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease can lead to an increased perception of the caregiver's burden using the Caregiver Burden Inventory (CBI). The sample consisted of 153 dyads, caregiver-patient. At baseline, a greater perception of the caregiver's burden was observed in the live-in caregivers. A further increase in the total burden of the live-in caregivers was noticed at the 6-month follow-up. More specifically, with the inclusion of correction factors such as the caregiver's age and the CBI subscales at baseline, the social and emotional burden becomes statistically significant (P < .001). The present paper confirms our hypothesis that live-in caregivers perceive a greater burden than nonlive-in, and this difference increases further after 6 months. The difference in involvement between live-in and nonlive-in caregivers could be the foundation to tailor more specific interventions.
机译:我们研究的目的是证明与患有轻度至中度阿尔茨海默氏病的人一起生活可以使用“照顾者负担清单”(CBI)来增加对照顾者负担的认识。样本由153个二元组组成,照顾者为患者。基线时,在现场看护者中对看护者负担的认识更大。在为期6个月的随访中,我们发现住家保姆的总负担进一步增加。更具体地讲,在基线时包括诸如照料者的年龄和CBI分量表之类的校正因子,社会和情感负担在统计学上变得显着(P <.001)。本文证实了我们的假设,即住家保姆比非住家的负担更大,而且这种差异在6个月后进一步增加。住家和非住家保姆之间的参与差异可能是定制更具体干预措施的基础。



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