首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dual diagnosis >Impulsivity and Comorbid PTSD and Binge Drinking

Impulsivity and Comorbid PTSD and Binge Drinking


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Objective: Trauma exposure is common, with estimates of 28% to 90% of adults reporting at least one traumatic event over their lifetime. Those exposed to traumatic events are at risk for alcohol misuse (i.e., binge drinking), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or both. A potential underlying mechanism for this comorbidity is increased impulsivity-the tendency to act rashly. Little work to date has examined the impact of different impulsogenic traits on this comorbidity. Methods: This study (n = 162) investigated trauma-exposed young adults (aged 21-30) who had endorsed a lifetime interpersonal trauma. In addition, three impulsogenic traits (motor, nonplanning, and attentional) were measured. Results: Over and above the covariates for age, gender, race, and traumatic events, greater attentional impulsivity was associated with greater likelihood of meeting criteria for PTSD and binge drinking, compared to meeting criteria for PTSD, binge drinking, or neither. Neither nonplanning impulsivity nor motor impulsivity exerted unique effects. Conclusions: Young adults who report difficulty attending to immediate stimuli within their environment may be unable to think about and/or process the traumatic event, potentially increasing risk for PTSD and maladaptive coping skills to manage this distress (e.g., alcohol misuse, binge drinking).
机译:目的:创伤曝光是常见的,估计为28%至90%的成年人在其寿命上报告了至少一个创伤事件。暴露于创伤事件的人面临含酒精滥用的风险(即狂暴饮用),错误应激障碍(PTSD)或两者。这种合并率的潜在潜在的机制是脉冲性的 - 萎缩的倾向。迄今为止的一点工作已经检查了不同冲击性状对这种合并症的影响。方法:本研究(n = 162)研究了创伤暴露的年轻成人(年龄21-30岁),他已经终止了一生的人际关系创伤。此外,测量了三种冲动性状性状(电动机,非平移和注意力)。结果:超过年龄,性别,种族和创伤事件的协调因子,与PTSD,狂欢饮酒或既未达到应对后应激障碍和狂欢饮酒标准的更大可能性,有关的收拔冲动更大的可能性。既不是非平铺冲动也不是运动冲动施加独特的效果。结论:在环境中,举报难以立即刺激的年轻成年人可能无法思考和/或处理创伤事件,潜在增加应激障碍和适用于治疗这种痛苦的人(例如,酒精滥用,夸张饮酒)的风险。



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